Chapter 12: Luck

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3rd person's POV

"Oh wow, what a pleasant surprise!"

Clover looked at the three at her door, chuckling at the sight.

"Its been a while, Test Tube, how've you been? Oh and Fan! Paintbrush! I didn't think you'd come and see me as well! I must be feeling pretty lucky!" Clover giggled and let the three in.

"Heh well I'm doing fine! And uh, we just needed your luck Clover." Test Tube requested.

Clover looked at her with confusion, "My luck? You want my luck?"

Paintbrush nodded, "I'm not even sure myself, we don't want you involved in our little plan so, we just needed your little luck or something."

Clover thought for a moment, and looked at her clover hairpin, "OH! You can have this! Wait let me go and get it."

Clover went somewhere in her house, and Fan looked around. It was green, and being inside made you feel incredibly lucky. There was even a green rug that has the shape of a four-leaved clover. It felt odd being here, mostly because of the "lucky" feeling.

Clover came back with a little plastic container, inside seems to be filled with clovers. But they were all four-leaved, incredible.

"When I was walking around the park, I saw some clovers, and I noticed that there were 4 leaved ones! So I thought to myself, what if I just grow one myself to see the results! And here you go! Hehe- all of them were 4 leaved." Clover laughed, but she sounded so nervous and upset.

"Wowee! Thats a lot of four-leaved clovers, Clover! And what are we supposed to do with them?" Test Tube asked.

"Oh, well, I thought maybeee, you guys can take one of these little clovers and put it somewhere in your clothes! That way, you guys can be lucky!" Clover answered, placing the plastic container down on the nearby table.

Test Tube nodded, it could work. Clover plucked the clovers and gave the each of them a clover. Test Tube took a closer examination of the clovers, they were in fact, real.

Paintbrush placed the clover in their headband, Fan placed it in his pocket and Test Tube placed it on their sweater neck. They all nodded in unison, it was time.

"Thanks a lot Clover! We owe ya one." Test Tube said.

"Hehe, no problem!! Just helping out a friend!" Clover replied, waving goodbye.


At the Casino, it was specifically 10:00 pm, it was time for the plan to begin.

Paintbrush and the rest entered the casino like normal guests, as they looked around once inside. It didn't look like anything was suspicious, but the employees definitely were.

"Alright you guys, use these earphones for communication. And remember, we're looking for Pickle." Test Tube reminded the two of them, as she gave the earphones to Paintbrush and Fan.

The two nodded in response, and went separate ways. Paintbrush just hopes that the clovers actually work, if not, then the whole plan is compromised. Paintbrush looked around to find a tall green man, without looking suspicious, but because of their height, it should work out fine.

Test Tube went to pretend that she's playing the machines, even though all she's doing is just staring at it. Fan acted like he was being himself, blogging and taking pictures of the casino. They were both being careful.

That was when Paintbrush noticed him, Pickle was walking to the employees only door, this was the time for the luck to bloom.

"Guys, I found him." Paintbrush said, as they were talking via the earphones.

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