Chapter 9: Talk

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3rd person's POV

"Okay, you ready?"
"Yeah, lets do this."

Test Tube and Fan knocked Suitcase's door, they were nervous due to the fact that Suitcase is definitely having a mental breakdown and would not be able to open the door whatsoever, but they were wrong. She opened the door with a fake smile, and immediately dropped it as soon as she saw them.

"Uh- Test Tube? Fan? What are you doing here?" Suitcase asked.

"We uh, we wanted to talk about.. what happened, and we also wanted to make sure if you're doing alright." Test Tube answered, with Fan nodding to her words.

"Oh.. yeah, that'll be greatly appreciated, come on in then." Suitcase said as she opened the door wider for the two to come in.

Test Tube and Fan entered the neatly decorated house of Suitcase and Balloon, they looked around in awe, it was very pretty. There were a lot of picture frames, you can guess whats inside the picture frames anyways. Suitcase sat down on her couch, a bit scared and nervous.

"So.. how are you feeling lately?" Test Tube asked her, as she sat down on the couch beside Suitcase with Fan following her.

"I.. I don't know.." Suitcase answered as she fidgets with her hands, "with Balloon gone.. I feel.. empty, like a part of me is missing.."

Both Test Tube and Fan stayed silent, waiting for Suitcase to continue.

"Its just.. I've feel so attached to him that.. after seeing him missing.. and then dead?? That was.. so much for me to handle.." Suitcase sobbed, wiping her tears.

"Well.. do you remember the last thing Balloon said to you?" Test Tube asked.

"Well.. he called me in the casino once, saying that he'll be quite late because of Nickel being very pushy." Suitcase answered.

"Hmm, and what time was he supposed to come home?" Fan asked, noting things down in his phone.

"Uhh.. around 12 am." Suitcase answered.

Fan nodded and typed things down in his phone, Test Tube started talking more about Suitcase and Balloon before and after his death. She's also wondering on how Paintbrush and Lightbulb are doing.


"Oh! Paintbrush, Lightbulb. What are you two doing here? You don't really visit me?" Baseball asked, unsure of whats going on.

"Yeah, I know that its just.. I've been wondering on how you're doing, since.. y'know.." Paintbrush said, looking down.

"Oh.. yeah.. no its alright, you can come in." Baseball said as he went in his house.

Paintbrush and Lightbulb entered the house, it was not that tidy, and honestly quite messy. But its also very quiet, a bit too quiet. Paintbrush closed the door behind them, and sat down on the couch, with Lightbulb following.

"You two really here just to comfort me?" Baseball asked.

"Well I mean, I need therapy, you need therapy. We all need therapy, I think we can talk this through." Paintbrush answered.

Baseball chuckled at that, they weren't wrong, we all do need therapy.

"Can you at least tell me what happened to him?" Paintbrush asked.

"Well, when I visited him in the morgue, Dr. Fizz told me what happened to him. He told me that he got shot at the head, and the bullet is currently nowhere to be found." Baseball answered, fidgeting his fingers together.

"Hmm.. what did he last say to you before he.. y'know.." Paintbrush asked once more, moving their left hand in a circular motion.

"He told me that he'll be back at around 12 am, but he didn't call me when he arrived in the casino. He's probably excited." Baseball answered, chuckling a bit while looking at the tall fella.

Paintbrush nodded and looked at Lightbulb, she's now just walking around the house, looking around the new area. They sighed, and looked at Baseball again.

"You haven't confessed to her yet?"
"Wh- WHAT-?!"

"What? I'm serious! You haven't confessed to her yet? After like, what? Years? Months?" Baseball asked in concern, smirking at Paintbrush

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"What? I'm serious! You haven't confessed to her yet? After like, what? Years? Months?" Baseball asked in concern, smirking at Paintbrush.

"L-Look, I'm just unsure if she likes me back okay? Besides, Lightbulb is stubborn! You know this yourself!" Paintbrush answered, face still as red as a tomato.

"C'mon Paintbrush, you really should confess to her as soon as possible!" Baseball suggested.

"Confess to whom as fast as possible?" Lightbulb asked suddenly, appearing beside Paintbrush.

Paintbrush yelled in shock, and nearly jumped out of the couch. Lightbulb laughed, and Baseball just chuckled.

"Nothing, Lightbulb. We're just talking about a little something." Baseball said as he winked towards Paintbrush.

"Oh okay!" Lightbulb said, as she continued to walk around the house.

"Okay no but seriously, you really need to confess to her man." Baseball encouraged.

"Shut up Baseball!"

Baseball and Paintbrush had a good laugh together, they were enjoying their lifetime. Test Tube and Fan..? Not so much. It was mostly just Test Tube being a therapist to Suitcase, while Fan just took notes. At least they got something out of it.

Hours later, they returned to Paintbrush and Lightbulb's house.

"Alright, we got the information we need." Test Tube said, Fan nodding as approval.

"So do we, but lets just say that we had a lot of laughs. Did you guys do anything fun?" Paintbrush asked.

"Ehhhh, not really. It was mostly just Test Tube being a therapist to Suitcase, besides, I think Suitcase really needs therapy." Fan explained, Test Tube sighed in approval.

Paintbrush laughed, and sighed.

"Best friends fist bump for good luck?" They asked.

"Oh hell yeah! Best friends fist bump!" Lightbulb exclaimed

"Oh hell yeah! Best friends fist bump!" Lightbulb exclaimed

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