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Arthur's POV:

I woke up to the birds chirping outside. I had slept in a different room because my lovable manservant was attacked. Speaking of him I still need to get him out of the room. Stepping out of my bed I grabbed my night shirt. I slid the shirt on and decided that Merlin would get me dressed for the day then we would take him to the physician.

I quietly walked towards the room Merlin was sleeping in and unlocked it. Merlin probably is so mad at me right now, but who cares. I'm the prince of Camelot he can never be to mad at me right? I opened the door and quickly walked over to the bed to see Merlin fast asleep. He's so adorable. I placed my hand on his very rosy cheeks, running it down his face. He stirred and I yanked my hand back. I couldn't let him see him stroking his cheek that would be embarrassing.

"Merlin." I say shaking him lightly. I was going to be mean and yell at him but he just looked so tired. He had dark circles under his eyes and his hair was in all different angles.

"A-Arthur?" He questioned sitting up, rubbing his eyes.

"Come on it's time to get up Merlin. We have a big day." I placed my hand on his shoulder.

"No this bed is comfortable." He sighed and cuddles up to the blanket once more.

"Come on Merlin. I'm not the one that's supposed to wake you up. You are supposed to wake me up." I said yanking his covers off.

"Fine." He sat back up but immediately winced in pain.

"Merlin are you okay?" I ask urgently. I can't have my manservant in pain.

"It hurts all over." He said rubbing his head.

"Hold on let me get the physician." I run out of the room fast to find a knight or something. Suddenly I see a muscular knight walking down the hall.

"Wait!" I shouted. He turned to me with a frown.

"What?" He snapped. What the hell? Does he not know who I am?

"Excuse me?" I glared at him angrily. Who does this knight think he is.

"Look I'm sorry sire, but I need find this rat of a servant that I left all beaten- oh I mean." My eyes widened with fury. So this is one of the bastards that beat Merlin! MY MERLIN. I punched him square in the jaw raging with fury.

"Sire?" I hear a voice say behind me. I turn to see Lancelot

"Lancelot." I breath. I was so angry right now. My fury was building up like a hurricane.

"Calm down." He said stepping towards me.

"How? They hurt Merlin! They shouldn't get away with this." I yelled. I probably woke up the whole castle but who cares.

"The royals seem pretty fond of Merlin. Maybe you could tell the queen." Lancelot suggested.

"That's actually a good idea! Thanks Lancelot." I say running towards the dining hall.

Merlin's POV:

I sat there waiting for Arthur to come back with the physician for about an hour when I had enough. He probably forgot. Limping and crawling out the door I can see it was deserted. Just great!

"Merlin?" I heard a sweet girls voice say behind me. I turn around to see the princess standing there looking worried.

"Princess Elletta!" I say trying to stand up, but soon crashed to the floor.

"Oh Merlin! Here let me help you!." She worriedly scrambles over to my side.

"No it's okay Princess." I say swatting her away like a bug.

"Who did this to you." She said in a low voice.

"A few of your knights, it's not a big deal." I say finally standing up and leaning against the wall.

"What." She said. I looked over to her gritting her teeth and clenching her fist.

"Could you help me find the physician?" I smiled weakly.

"Oh yes of course." She said swing my arm over her shoulder.

We found the physician and she helped me get all bandaged up because It turns out I fractured a rib. Lucky me. The princess led me back to Arthur's temporary chambers, making sure I was laying down and off she went to find Arthur. She said something like "your prince needs to know you are hurt." Yea right like he's my prince. I mean he is, but not like that. Wait did she even mean it like that? Why am I even thinking like this about the prince? Is there something wrong with my head? God I need to stop hitting my head off of things. It was a little while later when Arthur came barging into the room.

"What's wrong are you hurting again. I'm so sorry I didn't come back to get you to the physician. I just got back from a meeting with the-" Arthur rambled.

"Sire it's okay. You don't have to worry." I smiled. It's nice to not have him picking on me for once.

"Okay idiot." Never mind back to the picking. Arthur smile and walks over to me. He sits down and strokes my hair in a daze. What is he doing? As if he just realized what he was doing he jolted back and turned around.

"Arthur are you alright." I ask concerned. Was he okay. Why did he jolt back like that.

"Yes I'm fine." He grumbled, mumbling something under his breath.

"What's going to happen to the knights?" I ask a little nervous.

"Oh the Queen is stripping them from their titles and they will be banished for what they done." He smiled when he said this.

"I think that punishment is sorta severe." I state. He looks back at me clearly not amused.

"It is not!" He shouts. "Look what they did to you Merlin."

"I'm fine Arthur. I'm just a servant." I say with a small smile. He looks at me with pure sadness and frowns.

"No you aren't."

Third Person

In two days time the trial for the two knights that hurt the crowned prince's beloved manservant took place. Uther was very angry at Arthur for making such a big deal about it but what can do you do right? The knights were stripped of their titles and banished from Ravalyn. Lancelot was also made head knight of the kingdom. Uther didn't even recognize him. Not that Lancelot cared or anything. Soon the day came for the royals to head back to Camelot.

"Now you take care of yourself." Queen Moria hugged Merlin and Gwen tight.

"We will your majesty." Merlin bowed slightly.

"Come back soon okay?" Princess Elletta kissed Merlin's cheek.

"We wouldn't miss it." Gwen smiled slightly, glancing over at Morgana who was mounting her horse.

Goodbye King Richard." Uther shook hands with his newly ally. King Richard flicked slightly but shook his hand all the same. That morning before everyone started packing up to leave they signed the peace treaty. There wasn't a big feast but there was a cute garden brunch ceremony. There were chocolate covered strawberries, cookies, cakes, muffins, fruits, and Merlin's personal favorite apple pie. Princess Elletta had a basket made for Gwen and Merlin so they can enjoy some tasty treats on the way back to Camelot.

The Camelotian knights mounted their horses along with the royals. Merlin and Gwen were the last to get on because the queen and the princess both pulled them into a big hug. Uther scowled at this. He didn't like the fact that the royal family in Ravalyn loved their servants equally to a noble. Arthur loved seeing royals treat Merlin and Gwen with care. It brought joy to his eyes seeing Merlin happy. Lancelot was standing in front of the other knights when Merlin was walking back to his horse. He stopped the servant and wrapped him into a hug whispering something in his ear. Arthur stared at the two with jealous eyes.

Once Merlin got on his horse everyone was off not knowing what would become of them the next time they returned to the Kingdom of Ravalyn.

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