Enroute to Olivine

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"Flygon, return." Drew said as he returned it to the Pokéball. Before getting on the boat leaving from Olivine tomorrow, he was getting in some last-minute training. 'That's enough for today,' Drew thought to himself as he put away the Pokéball. He then got back on his way to Olivine City.
Drew took out his PokéNav and checked to see how far away the city was. 'About 2 hours at the most,' he thought, 'that'll give me plenty of time to prepare for the trip.'
After 30 minutes or so, still in his way to Olivine, he caught an odd sight out of the corner of his emerald-green right eye. A cloud of black smoke was rising out from above the trees about half a mile away from his location. "What the-" he accidentally shouted aloud. Almost out of reflex, he began running to the site of the smoke.
"Glaceon, Iron Tail and Blaziken, use Sky Uppercut!" May boldly commanded her Pokémon as the smoke from a previous Fire Spin and Blizzard collision faded. She was taking a little break from her journey to Olivine City to get in some more training for her next contests. 'This bit of training will surely make a difference,' May thought as the battle went on. She lost in the finals of the Johto Grand Festival to an experienced coordinator, but the whole thing wasn't all bad. She had defeated her rival Drew in the quarterfinals, and Beautifly had received its 10th rose from him after the Grand Festival winner was announced. "Glaaaaaaceeeeeee!" Glaceon cried out in pain as the battle raged on. Blaziken's Sky Uppercut had overpowered the Iron Tail. "Glaceon, are you alright?!" May called out in a concerned tone. It struggled to get up, Sky Uppercut was a super effective move against an Ice type like Glaceon. May had decided that that was enough for today. "Okay guys, that's enough." May said. "You were both great! I know that we'll win our first Sinnoh contest!" "Glaceon!" Glaceon said cheerfully. "Blaziken!" Blaziken cried. May smiled at her Pokémon, and then grabbed a Pokéball out of her bag. "Glaceon, return!" She said as she returned Glaceon to its Pokéball. She put it away and grabbed Blaziken's Pokéball. "Blaziken, re-" May said, but was interrupted by a loud sound of a shaking bush coming from her left. Both her and Blaziken turned to the source. "What's that?" May said softly to herself and her Pokémon.

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