CHAPTER 3 : reaching out

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you're young and still young, everyone goes through what you're feeling, it's normal.

" i remembered being sent to the terminal by my parents during my studies, they were arguing the whole journey, almost got us into an accident, i left with the thought of not wanting to go back to them " - 2019

you think you're all grown up and able to decide what's best for you, is it?

" in every fights they had, they always made up. without me. i was living through pieces of fear, away from them. guess they were just better off without me huh? " - 2020

you sound like you're seeking for attention, you feel like you're not receiving enough, is that it?

" i tried being expressive to my mom with the feelings i felt, not hoping to be understood but a chance for her to just be there and comfort me, and instead of listening, she was dissapointed of me feeling so, which lead me to wanting to die again " - 2018

look at that, that's your problem, you're so weak and couldn't even manage the response your mother gave you.

" i was triggered by an incident from a friend of mine that i can relate myself to, i felt SO disgusted with myself that i panicked, i seeked for my mom's comfort - she did not manage my situation well. i hurt myself  " - 2014

what were you thinking? you drown yourself with the emotions you had that you're willing to cut yourself?

" it's not the feeling of not being understood that haunts me but not being able to tell what happen from the start does, if it's not because of that, i wouldn't feel wanted to be heard " - 2013

then tell us, what happened?

" i had no one but myself to understand what was actually going on with me, i tried expressing myself through writings, i write everything down, in hopes with whatever i wrote, i forget and when i reread them, i felt better as if it was another person being there for me " - 2015

why did you write a letter to everyone without the intention of sending it to them?

" not gonna lie, i write letters every year to certain people without sending them because it consists of everything i have ever felt for them, to me, writing them a letter means the journey i had with them has come to an end " - 2022

you still feel like you're not getting enough attention, is it?

" i'd call myself a people pleaser, i always get the attention of the things i do because i know i'm capable of attracting minds, talking about not getting enough? - well, i received more than enough " - 2020

now you're just showing off, you're smart and all, why don't you decide what's best for you?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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