Season 2 chapter 4

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Everyone back at Liones kust watch in shock.

Diane:Austin is a sin?

Queen:How is that possible? We never had an 8th member on our team.

Gowther:I believe his case is different.

Elizabeth:What do you mean sir Gowther?

Gowther:Look at where Austin previously had his scars, they are all covered up by the giant tattoo on his chest.

Diane:But who is that thing and why is it here?

Queen:I believe we are about to find our answers.

With the battlefield, Austin is left in shock from seeing the monster he has been fighting is out and changed its look to be more demonic

Austin:How are you out? I thought you would have taken over my body.

???:Nope, I saw it as mu chance to escape and since I'm now free.


???:I get to have my fun!!

Suddenly the mysterious figure punched Austin in the stomach and sent him flying from the hit. The figure just clenched his hand from it.

???:Huh, not at full strength yet. Well I will be soon.

Zeldia:Excuse me but who or what are you?

???:How foolish of me. I am the great mysterious killer with the most kills in history!! I am....


Austin was seen interrupting the now named figure who was named Hunter

Hunter:That was my human name. It is now and forever be referred to as, Death.


Death:Foolish. You are outta power, brother.

Austin just charged at Death with hatred following behind his steps while everyonr just watch in shock.

Diane:Did he just sat brother?


Escana:What is Mr.Austin? This isnt possible for a human being.

Gowther:I originally thought human. But now, I'm not sure.

Gilthunder:Look! They are fighting!

With Austin and Death, Austin is seen attacking but this attacks are slow and predictable to Death as he caught a punch and sent out a knee to Austin in the stomach which knocked the wind outta his breath. Death than slammed his fist on the back of Austin's head and slammed him face first into the ground. The commandments just watched with interest.

Estarossa:Well its been fun, but we need to leave.

Death:That's fine but remember, I will find you to have a proper battle.

Estarossa:Looking forward to it.

With that the Commandments took to the air and quickly left to continue their search for Melioda. Austin got up slowly but was still in pain from his battles and training he has done.


Death: You cant win brother, youve failed before and will continue to do so. You are the reason for all those murders, not me!!!

Austin:You killed all those people, I will not let you escape!!

Death:You will not win. Time to make sure of it.

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