season 3 chapter 2

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Austin sent a downward slash with his right arm at Melioda which was blocked but a giant crater formed underneath them both.  Melioda than lainched a punch to Austin and hit him in the face but all it did was annoy him as he took the punch full force with ease.  Austin than used his left claw and grabbed Melioda and extended the arm out and sent her crashing into the side of the barrier around them.  Melioda just released a smirk from the attack.

Melioda:I must say, for a human like yourself, this power is demonic but dont think you can beat me.

Melioda made an attempt in breaking out of Austin's hand by using her sword, but found out its was useless.  She also notice that being touched by his arm was burning her.

Melioda:What is this?!


Austin than pulled his arm back and yanked Melioda towards him as he than slammed her into the ground causing it to form a crater underneath her.  Austin than jumped on top of her body and held her body down with his red demonic arm.  Austin than pulled his black arm and started to throw rapid punches on her.  Each punch caused a crater to form with each punch creating a bigger and bigger crater.


Melioda:This damn fool!  GGGGRRRAAAHHH!!

Melioda than caught Austin's 15th punch and tryed her hardest to hold his arm back.  Everyone watching were left in shock from their battle.

Elizabeth:Austin seems to have power to fight Melioda back to a stand still.

Gowther:Not quite.

Queen:What so you mean Gowther?

Merlin:Melioda os only playing with hum and Austin is solely fight on his animal instincts instead of strategizing.  If they continue to fight like this, he will die.

Ban:Than take down your Perfect Cube so we can help him.

Merlin:Absolutely not.

Elizabeth:Why not Merlin?

Merlin:Because both of them would not hesitate in attacking any of us.  As it is right now, only Escana can handle them.

Diane:Than why did you lock her up?

Merlin:So Austin and Melioda would tire themselves out and Escana can come in for the final take down on them both.

Back with the fight, Austin was successfully thrown off of Melioda as he was sent flying back, but quickly backed flipped onto all fours as he growled at Melioda.  Melioda just looked at Austin with interest.

Melioda:This is a first.  You are probably one of the few people able to keep up with me as I am now with my sister Zeldia being the other person to do so.

Austin just continued to growl at her.  She just smirked at his response.

Melioda:Your right enough talk, time to fight.

Austin than sped ahead and was suddenly next to her and punched her in the face.  Melioda was only sent a few feet back from the hit as she was still standing on her feet.  She than looked at Austin and sent out her own punch which sent Austin flying and bouncing around the entire barrier they were inside of.  Austin than came crashing into the ground but was able to stand back up with no issue.

Melioda:You actually might be a challenge.  1000 Divine Cuts!!

Melioda than charged at Austin and landed her attack which caused multiple slashes to appear on his body.  Austin than quickly went down as his body sustain the damage but his rage and hatred started to rise causing his body to change as both side of his body started to combine together.  The red skin than over took over his entire body as his eyes and mouths turned white and both of his arms turned black with some kind of armor scales on them with red veins appearing on them.  He also started to grow a skeleton outside his body that took the shape of a fox that was being worn like some kind of armor on him.

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