Fieldtrip pt.3

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Last part! Expect more ship moments in this one, especially spideyflash (Barry not Eugene)! Enjoy!

They were all going on this trip. Peter thought of everything he could do to get out of this. Yet not one made sense or could actually end up in him not going. Just leaving the school ground was an option, but he felt like that maybe wasn't the... Best idea.

So after a lot of pep talk to himself, he reluctantly got on the bus. Anxiety was eating him up and it like he could hear every little giggle or whisper. Great, add a sensory overload to things that could go wrong. He sat by the window in a random bench he chose while Ned went on his rambling beside him. Meanwhile, Eugene and MJ we're betting on what could go wrong with this fieldtrip and, since most bets were placed on Peter, that did nothing to ease his anxious mind. He simply sighed and put on his sensory overload earphones.

Peter was staring out the window, thinking of all the possibilities that could go wrong. That's when he noticed someone in red and yellow keeping up with the bus. Peter simply quietly chuckled, rolled his eyes and waved at his speedy boyfriend who in turned waved back and gave the brightest smile before zooming off. That eased Peter's mind a lot. But the closer they were getting, the faster his anxiety was returning. The time seemed to go by in a few seconds, because they had arrived too soon for Peter's liking (granted his liking was just never arriving but he didn't need to tell anyone that).

Peter tried to stall by taking his sweet time, but his teacher got quite impatient.

"Parker! Hurry the paste or you can't come and you'll be put in detention."

Peter simply sighed quietly and inwardly groaned. On the last step, he fell over something. He of course felt it coming, but he didn't dodge in case that would look suspicious. "You'll pay for ever lying, PENIS!" Gerald said to him.

"Parker! Stop being so clumsy will you!? Next thing you know is that a building will fall on you!" Now that stung. He knew his teacher saw and the fact that he said that brought back some unpleasant memories. Thanks to Barry, he had stopped thinking about it too much. But the memories were still there and nobody knew except the vulture, Barry and, of course, him. So that definitely hurt, but Peter just got up, nodded and looked down.

They arrived inside the impressive building and everyone gasped and looked around in awe because A) this was the avengers tower lobby! And B) They were in the avengers tower at all! Of course Peter didn't gasp because you know...This was his home and MJ because its MJ. But even she looked a bit impressed for like two seconds before staring back at her sketchbook and continuing to draw Peter in crisis.

While Mr Henric went to talk with Emira, they were told to wait. So while the class looked at basically every detail of the lobby, Peter was trying to think of a way out of this. He of course, once again, didn't come up with anything. All that went out the window when he felt a light squeeze on his hand. He turned to see Barry looking at him while putting a finger over his mouse to signal 'Don't blow my cover'. Peter just looked at Barry neck to see a fake badge that looked like the ones actual workers had. Peter knew it was fake, because Peter had hacked Friday to count Barry Allen as not a threat and an all clearance badge level that meant he didn't actually need a badge.

Peter just lifted and eyebrow at his boyfriend with an unimpressed look.

"What? I knew you were nervous so i printed out this badge to look like a worker and accompany you trough the tower!" Barry whispered yelled at him. To which Peter couldn't help but a warm smile to form on his face. That was when Nad decided to but in. "Hey Peter! Hey...Barry? What are you doing here??" Ned asked. Ned was the only one that knew about his boyfriend. So obviously Ned was curious because this guy didn't go to there school. Barry replied with "What do you mean? Im a worker." He said while winking to Ned to signal he was lying. Ned Just nodded confused.

Fieldtrip/Peter Parker fluff oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now