Chapter 3

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 The days were passing by normally. April went to her science class, thinking what useless thing they were going to learn this time. When she got in the classroom and sat down, she saw a teacher come in. It was a teacher she had never seen before. She was dressed weirdly and had a weird accent.

"Hello kids, I am your new science teacher. If you are being disrespectful in my class, you will be sent to the principal straight away. You have to pay attention and work really hard otherwise I will give you a bad grade. Understood?" she said stiffly. Everyone stayed still.

'Welp that's gonna go well,' April thought sarcastically. We started learning things straight away. Her accent made it really difficult to understand what she was saying.

"If you have any questions, you must ask." she said. But when anyone tried to ask something, she got really annoyed.

"You are supposed to know this! Are you kidding me?" she started shouting. So no one would ask questions and she would wonder why. No one would know how to answer the questions, and that made her even more mad.

Another time, the class was doing presentations. Some people who had a quieter voice, spoke a little softer.

"You have to speak up! I can't hear anything." the teacher said.

'How is that even possible?' April thought. 'I'm all the way back here and I can still hear them. How can she not?' The most annoying thing was that when the smart kid spoke softly, she didn't say anything. Her handwriting was also horrible to say the least, but when a student showed her their work she couldn't read and was like,

"Did you write it like that to make fun of me?" but literally the student's handwriting was ten times better than hers. When there was a test, she graded everyone down even if they made the slightest mistake, for example misspelling a word that had literally nothing to do with science.

This went on for almost a month. Even though students complained about it, there was nothing that could be done. The breaking point was when she asked someone a question, and they replied with "I don't know." The teacher got mad as usual, and everyone started laughing slightly.

"You see? Everyone is laughing at you!" the teacher told the student rudely. Everyone grew quiet. They all had the same thought.

'No, we are laughing at you, bitch,' That's when April decided it was a good time to give her a lesson.

"Um, actually, I think they are laughing at you." April told the teacher. The teacher remained silent for a little. Then, she turned to the other students.

"Yeah," one of them replied, agreeing with April.

After that day, the teacher became even more annoying and harsh on everyone. April couldn't take it any longer, so she was thinking of just finishing her. But she thought of doing something more fun this time. When they went to class the next day, the teacher was being annoying again.

"You guys are the worst class I've ever had." the teacher said taking a sip of her coffee.

'Here it goes,' thought April. Just then, the teacher started coughing. She started coughing more intensely, and then fell on the floor. Her cup was shattered in pieces and she started coughing up blood. Everyone stayed quiet. Some looked scared, some looked surprised. April just looked with an expressionless face.

'She deserved that,' she thought. 'The poison did a good job.'

The next day, when April went to homeroom, the teacher introduced a new student.

"This is Asher, the new student." the teacher said. He did look a little older than the rest of the class. He was a tall boy with chocolate brown hair. He had green eyes and freckles. He looked like the typical good student and hot guy everyone likes.

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