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hhongjjoong: wait- dont leave I can explain...

Hwahwa: my face eyeballs hath seen it all, my lord. No need to keep a sorrowful souls, much like myselfs, here.

Hhongjjong: it's just a fan account, mr. Dramatic

Hwahwa: I stalked and have read and seen things I never wanted to know about yeonjun..

Hhongjjong: fan boy things.

Hwahwa: on the bright side,

Hhongjjong: there is no bright side, mr. Bright side

Hwahwa: "she take off her dress-"
Hwahwa: anyways, there is one. It's called ☆getting to know more about you☆

Hhongjjong: not the android stars 😭😫

Hwahwa: I smashed my other phone for a video. So I have to use this in replacement until i get my iPhone.

Hhongjjoong:... you make youtube videos...?

Hwahwa: uh no. Wooyoung does. And I had a dare. And I never skip a dare.

Hhongjjoong: maybe you should've skipped that one 😬

Hwahwa: this android is better than the iPhone I had. Its camera is better too..

Hhongjjoong: said every android used ever.

Hwahwa: haters gonna hate meanwhile they jus jealous. 💅

Hhongjjong: that's gay 😟

Hwahwa: I am gay.

Hhongjjong: *saves for research purposes*

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Hhongjjong: *saves for research purposes*

Hwahwa: its ok I know I'm hot.

Hhongjjong: that's bottom material 😔😫

Hhongjjoong: nah man. I top

Hhongjjoong: I dont think this gonna work out if I dknt top.



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Hwahwa: yes, the man calls himself a top

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Hwahwa: yes, the man calls himself a top..

Hhongjjong: listen i can explain...


Hwahwa: no defending yourself now

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Hwahwa: no defending yourself now

Hhongjjong: straight men wear overalls.

Hwahwa: yeah straight white country men.

Hhongjjong: hey now! No hate.

Hwahwa: I'm not. I'm just stating facts.
HwaHwa: prove me wrong.

Hhongjjong: I cant 😔
Hhongjjong: I cant defend country white men anymore. They are on their own.

Hwahwa: what would your gay ass do anyways?
Hwahwa: you live in Korea so you input doesnt matter to them.

Hhongjjong: hey! In my defense, I commented on one of their videos and they dm'd me saying I'm hot and I should give him my snap. I dont know what snap is but I'm happy.

Hwahwa: tsk tsk.

Hhongjjong: suck my dick.

Hwahwa: jus send me your address.

Hhongjjong: oh damn that back fired.


Hhongjjoong: I'm curious tho.
Hhongjjong: how did you get those pictures of me? I 🤨

Hwahwa: a good detective never tells his tricks.

Hhongjjoong: a good detective also knows, for more generations to be as good as him at being a detective, he needs to teach them his tricks.

Hwahwa: so you really were the school nerd 😢

Hhongjjoong: ofc 😘

Hwahwa: my hearteu.

Hhongjjoong: I just got home. I'm going to bed it's late. You sleep too

Hwahwa: nah. I have to practice this dance before auditions next week.

Hhongjjoong: dont practice too much. I dont wan to worry mr sexier man is working to much. Even the most famous and loved person in the world needs a break. So sleep.

Hwahwa: I'll sleep tomorrow..

Hhongjjoong: I nag people a lot. Dont make me nag at you.

Hwahwa: ok ok . I'll head home then.

Hhongjjong: you promise?


Hwahwa: see I'm headed to my home

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Hwahwa: see I'm headed to my home

Hhongjjoong: YOURE SO HOT OMG
Hhongjjoong: ok good. I'm sleeping. Text me tomorrow!! Eat breakfast!

Hwahwa: gn ♡

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