Hongjoong sits at a tabel playing with a cat waiting for Seonghwa to come down. He looks up and sees seonghwa coming down the steps outside.
He walks in and greets the woman at the desk. He stops when he sees Hongjoong.
"Compared to you, i am very under dressed." Seonghwa says.
Hongjoong looks at himself. He has on a designer fuzzy swester thats oversized, leather pants, and his make up and hair is done.
"I know. I had a photoshoot. Becuase mingis stupid ass wouldnt do it. So me and San did it." Hongjoong explains.
"Wait, i have a meme for this exact moment." Seonghwa says grabing his phone from his pocket.
Hongjoongs phone dings and he looks at it blushing.
-- Hwahwa:
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"So you do laugh at my memes?" Seonghwa asks with a smile.
"Yeah. All of them. Which is sometiems embarrassing becaue i was on the bus laughing at one and people looked at me." Hongjoong says.
"Its ok. I can beat them up for judging you." Seonghwa says with a laugh.
"You say the most deadly things with a smile on your face and its the most scary thing ever." Hongjoong says.
"Im smiling because im with you." Seonghwa says ordering on an ipad.
A lady walks up to seonghwa.
"Stop dont order on there. I know what you both want. Argh. Wasting my robots energy when i can just bring your food to you. I was waiting for you to come down for coffee." The lady rambles.
Seonghwa laughs. "Mom, whats the fun in that? I like the robot come up to me and handing me food."
"Agh. I shouldnt try to talk to you. Always going against your mom." His mom sighs and grabs hongjoongs coffee. "Enjoy your food my favorite customer. " she says with a smile
"Thank you Mrs. Lee!" Hongjoong says smiling.
"Mom! Dont pick favorites." Seonghwa says with a pout. "You know what, its hongjoong, i would favorite him too."
"Drink your drink and stop talking." Hongjoong says with an eyeroll.
"I just got rejected in the worst way." Seonghwa says
"Indirect rejection. Must suck." Hongjoong jokes.
"It does because i cant su-" Seonghwas mom interupts him.
"Finish that sentance young man and you will have to find a new home." She says.
"Sorry mom." He says with a pout.
"I never wouldve guessed that Mrs. Lee is the famous Park Seonghwas mom." Hongjoong says with a little laugh.
"See. I told you. This is my favorite regular customer that is handsome." Mrs. Lee says. "I have to work. Dont make out. If you do, go upstairs. Dont scare off my customers."