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Hwahwa: you coming to the thing Woosan set up?

Hhongjjoong: oh yeah.


Hhongjjoong: YES WE AREEEEEE

Hwahwa: i almost there. Promise im not ditching.

Hhongjjoong: pinky? 🤙

Hwahwa: i pinky promise


Hongjoong looks in the car mirror for the tenth time.

"I know you are scared but no matter how much you look you arent getting prettier." Mingi states.

"How do i look?" Hongjoong asks.

"For the eighth time, you look great. No matter what Seonghwa thinks. Hes stupid if he doesnt like you." Mingi says trying to cheer up Hongjoong.

"Thats very kdrama cliché." Hongjoong says with a laugh.

Hongjoong turns on some music to clear his head. Before he knows it they ade pulling up to the movie theaters.

Both boys take a deep breath and get out of mingis car. They walk up to everyone else.

"Does anyone know where hwa hyung is?" Wooyoung asks.

"Hes running late. He said he won-" hongjoong stops talking when he reliezes everyone is looking at him.

"There was no hesitation." San says astonised.

"I mean, in my defense i was just in the car bored. He kept me entertained." Hongjoong says scratching his neck.

"Wow, so you only text me when it benefits you?" A voice says behind him.

God his voice is so hot. Hongjoong thinks then turns to the taller.

"No. I meang that it was convenient to talk to you because i just so happened to be bored." Hongjoong defends himself.

"Always defending yourself." Seonghwa says ruffling hongjoongs hair.

The others fan boy and they walk in.

"What are we watching?" Hongjoong asks.

"A horror movie." Wooyoung says.

"Haha! Hongjoong hates horror movies. He may die." Mingi says with a smile.

"Uh." Seonghwa says looking at the screen. "Theres a romcom playing at the same time. Ill take hongjoong there."

Hongjoong blushes at the kind act.

"You sure youre not dating yet?" San asks with a snort.

"San." Seonghwa sags sternly.

"Lets just buy thr tickets and watch the movies." Wooyoung says dragging San.

Seonghwa looks at Hongjoong and nods grabbing his wrist.

They finally get in the movie.

"Ahh. Im so happy i dont have to watch that movie." Hongjoong says sitting down.

"Not gonna lie," seonghwa says whispering in joong ear, "i didnt want to watch it either."

Joong blushes at the close contact.

The movie starts like any other kdrama. Both boys laugh when they say a joke before they know its over.

Seonghwa walks out.

"Agh. Wooyoung said theres almost an hour left on his." Seonghwa says putting his phone in his pocket.

"How did i just watch that?" Hongjoong asks himself.

"What the Love and Leashes?" Seonghwa asks. "It was pretty good. Didnt expect all that to happen."

"He literally wanted a woman to be his 'master' so he could sub." Hongjoong looks at Seonghwa.

"Are you kink shaming?" He asks with a brow raise.

"Of course not. Just confused." Hongjoong looks at stores. He points. "Lets go there until they ckme out." He grabs Seonghwas hand before he can answer and drags him tot he thrift shop across the road.

They walk in and hongjoong looks around the store.

"Look there is so much." Jongjoong says with an astonished face.

Seonghwa laughs and nods his head. "Its a department store dummy."

"Well, yeah but its thrift." Hongjoong says dragging Seonghwa to the mens section. "Lets get you a brand new outfit."

"But i like mine." Seonghwa says with a pout.

"I like it also. But this will be a special outfit becuase i styled it." Hongjoong says grabbing a sweater. "I like this. It makes your face shine. Except, it looks itchy."

Seonghwa looks at the price. "Wow, its really cheap."

"Yeah. My whole outfit today is about ₩20,000 all together." (About $19.50)

"Mine is like ₩3,000,000." Seonghwa says scratching his neck.

"See! So much money. Plus its fancy but you look like you work as a CEO somewhere." Hongjoong says putting back the sweater and grabbing another. "Perfect."

He drags seonghwa to the pants. He grabs some.

"You dont even know my size." Seonghwa says.

"I can guess, just by looking at you." Hongjoong says looking at seonghwas lower stomach.

"Ew. Pervert dont look at my dick." Seognhwa says in a joking tone.

"I was looking at your waist so i can size with my eyes." Hongjoong says with a pout.

He drags seonghwa over without speaking another word. He pulls out a bigger collered shirt. He hands everything to seonghwa.

"Now try them on." Hongjoong demands softly.

"Yes master~" soenghwa says going to the fitting room.

Hongjoong waits impatiently for hwa to finish. He pulls out his phone. He goes to instagram and takes a picture of the door.

"Soon he will come out looking thr best ever. @hwahwa " hongjoong writes then adds it to his story.

Soon after, Seonghwa walks out.

"I LIKE IT!!! YOU LOOK LIKE A MODEL." hongjoong exclaims.

"Take my pictures." Seognhwa says and hongjoong takes out his phone.

Seonghwa models as Hongjoong happily takes his pictures.

"Lets take a selfie!" Hongjoong says.

Seonghwa nods and they take a couple selfies.

"Go change so i can pay." Hongjoong says pushing seonghwa back in the dressing room.

After he changes, hongjoong smiles.

"I will pay." Hongjoong says walking off.

"Imma look around." Seonghwa says walking to the stuffed animals.

Hongjoong nods. Seonghwa goes to the stuffed animals.

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