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Squirrelflight bounded to Bramblestar's side. The floodwater was rising. Squirrelflight scanned the clearing above, trying to find an escape route. "Squirrelflight, follow me!" Bramblestar demanded. Squirrelflight nodded quickly, hope sparking in her belly, had Bramblestar found an escape route for ThunderClan? Lilypaw was not far behind, alongside her mentor, Poppyfrost. Their pelts were soaked, the rest of ThunderClan were scrambling, as if looking for something. "ThunderClan! Follow Bramblestar!" She roared to the top of her lungs. All eyes were on her, and they all skittered to where Lilypaw and Poppyfrost were. "In the cave," Bramblestar mewed. Squirrelflight dipped her head. Squeezing beneath, branches jutted from the open spaces, leaking out light. Graystripe, the oldest warrior, was beside Bramblestar, keeping his head away from the cave's teeth. "Stay!" Bramblestar hissed. "I'm going to check for any floodwater," He crept deeper into the shadows, Lilypaw looked awestruck. "So much has happened, even my sister died today." She whispered to Poppyfrost. "I know," the tortoiseshell answered blankly, letting Lilypaw creep underneath Poppyfrost. Squirrelflight dropped into a crouch, feeling floodwater rise at her feet. "Retreat!" She yowled back, as her warriors retreated. Squirrelflight crept deeper into the flood, the water rising at her muzzle. "Oh StarClan, help me!" She prayed. Squirrelflight felt the freezing grip of the water plunge her in. Bramblestar! Squirrelflight felt her heart pound into her neck. Squirrelflight lashed her paws, blood was roaring in her ears. She stayed afloat along the drifting currents. She spotted Bramblestar struggling a few fox-lengths away. Desperation made Squirrelflight swim faster, she grabbed her mate's scruff. "No use!" Bramblestar coughed. "Go on!" Squirrelflight ignored him, gripping Bramblestar hard. His weight pulled Squirrelflight down, her instincts told her to let go of Bramblestar and save her own life. Nevertheless, she kept Bramblestar. Almost loosening the grip when a stone tooth shattered. She spotted a glint of light, "Almost there!" She told Bramblestar. Squirrelflight churned, feeling the water escape her nostrils as she and Bramblestar squeezed out of the tunnel. "Come on, we need to find our clanmates." Squirrelflight told him. She scanned the clearing, there they were! Her foster son, Lionblaze leading them. They herded down, mud clinging to her pelt as she sped, Bramblestar on her tail. Bramblestar seemed unweakened by the water, it seemed it made him stronger, his amber eyes were blazing. He bounded ahead of her, reaching his clanmates before she. Lionblaze looked uncertain for a moment, but dipped his head at his adopted father. Stepping aside, Bramblestar took his place. Squirrelflight gathered among her clanmates, Jayfeather was gripping his stick in his jaws. Graystripe was struggling, ragged breaths were heaving from his mouth. "The storm has died down, I'll go first, that tree seems crooked." Bramblestar mewed, gathering his muscles in a crouch and sped beside the tree. Nervousness clung to Squirrelflight like leaches, last time Bramblestar went first, he nearly drowned. But she felt certain that Bramblestar would be okay. She craned her neck at ThunderClan territory, still flooding, but most dens were dry. SkyClan territory beside the abandoned Twoleg nest was fully flooded, and Leafstar's warriors were already herding toward the mountains with them. "Bramblestar, watch out!" Lionblaze shrieked, Bramblestar gazed up at the tree, was it falling? Squirrelflight herded her muddied legs and halted over to the tree, to her horror, it was falling! She skittered, trying to block Bramblestar from getting crushed, but a loud grunt entered the camp. And a screech of pain ended it all. Squirrelflight froze, the tree fell. Bramblestar lay limp, his eyes wide and staring up at the sky. Blood had stained the muddied tree branches and surrounded him. "Jayfeather! Leafpool! Bramblestar is hurt!" Squirrelflight called to the medicine cats. Jayfeather bursted out of the crowd, alongside Leafpool. "Our herb supply washed away in the storm." Leafpool answered. "But... At least check if he'll pull through!" Squirrelflight pleaded, uncertainty glowed in Jayfeather's blue gaze as Leafpool inspected the ThunderClan leader. And her eyes darkened. "He's lost many lives," She answered gravely. "I don't think he's going to make it." Squirrelflight felt her heart shatter. "No." Squirrelflight bounded over to Bramblestar. "What happened?" a short-furred cream-and-brown tabby crept beside Squirrelflight. "Bramblestar is dead." She mewed, grim. 

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