Rain-slick stairs

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Rome turned the piano to face the center of the room, generally, something pianists never did. It stopped them from being distracted by the dancers. But Rome knew he wouldn't be distracted by her, if anything he was more distracted when he couldn't see her. It had been a week since she had first started dancing in the studio, and Rome looked forward to every class with her. Her elegant movement was entrancing and hypnotic. He waited, looking at the grand doors for her. He glanced down for a moment to check his hands, the gloves were starting to get tattered. He looked up as he heard her enter. A smile bloomed on his face seeing her enter. Her gingery hair was loose and free, highlighting her eyes

"Don't tell me you were waiting for me," she giggled, settling her bag to the floor. 

Rome tugged the gloves tighter, laughing at her comment as he did so. 

"I might have been, it's lonely in here before you walk in," he looked up at her. 

"In such a large school I can see how it would be," she looked around the room, it was larger than most studios at ballet schools. 

The entire school was larger than most other schools were, but those who attended this school were the highest of wealth, it was no surprise. It was practically a small palace of Versailles. Giselle noted the piano's movement but said no word about it. She just tilted her head, gave a small shrug, and moved to the center. Her satin shoes clunked against the floor, these shoes were nowhere near as dead as the first pair she wore, but they were still broken through. She ran through her feet briefly before turning to him. 

"I believe you were given the music," she queried. 

"Yes, miss," he affirmed her, motioning to the sheets on the music rack. 

"Lovely," she smiled. 

She took a breath, her hands fell perfectly into position. Rome didn't know how she did it, how her hands fell perfectly every time. He played the notes. She moved like a swan, her turns appeared effortless, but Rome knew better than to assume so. She was flawless, her skirt twirling as she glided along the floor. Her arms were strong yet dainty and gentle. She was simply stunning. Rome loved watching as she danced. The smile on her face radiated from her, making her look simply stunning. Her extensions were flawless and extended her foot slightly and fished to create a lovely line along her legs. Rome had known Odile was hard to master, but he found that Giselle's elegance made it seem easy. How long had she danced to get to that level? One day he ought to ask her, so he tucked the thought away as he watched her. The music ended, Giselle stood, her whole body was trembling. Rome noticed how as she trembled, she was taking large breaths. He quickly moved to her and reached her just in time before her knee gave way. She was wheezing in his arms, her body was terribly shaken up. Rome was shocked, in one moment she went from perfectly fine to practically helpless. He placed a hand on her throat, her breaths were so shallow yet so loud. She stilled herself, slowing her breathing to barely anything. She stopped wheezing, and her body stopped trembling. She quickly shuffled to her bag in the corner. Rome followed a step behind as she pulled out a cigarette. He recognised the smell coming from it, Thorn Apple. She lit it and began smoking it, the controlled breaths working to return her lungs to normal. She took only a few puffs before extinguishing it into a small tray in her bag.

"Forgive me," she spoke quietly, seemingly embarrassed by the ordeal.

"No need for apologies miss," he shook his head. "Do you know what causes you to go into such a state?" he inquired, hoping maybe she would have an answer he could help with. 

"It's been happening for months, it's mostly when I work myself too hard, it's like my throat closes up, it's terrifying," she replied, her answer hushed. 

"I wish you well miss, I do hope you recover soon," Rome said. 

She glanced at the clock, curtsied, and gathered her things. She spoke no words as she left. Rome was hesitant to let her go so quickly with no word. He waited a few moments after the doors shut, tugging his gloves tighter he followed her down the hallway. Remaining quiet as he did so. She moved quickly, her pointe shoes beating against the floor steadily. The hallways of the school were bright and decorated with gold accents. Heavy drape curtains fell beside the windows. From the level they were on, they could see the streets below. Rome struggled to follow her without making a sound, she was very light on her feet. Rome turned and saw the grand staircase. It had 2 sides to it and met in the middle, it was made of beautiful stone and as her feet fell against it, the quiet hall echoed her feet like a typewriter in an empty room. Rome was as quiet as he could be as he followed her. 

Giselle was acutely aware of another presence, but it didn't feel close. It felt rather distant so she wasn't too worried. But after descending the stairs it didn't seem to go away. She opened the huge doors of the ballet school, running into the street in her leotard, a skirt, tights, and her pointes. Her mother was going to be furious. The streets were poured slick with rain, the stone paths weren't any good for the shoes and they were going to be very damaged. Her mother hated the rain for that exact reason. She waved to a carriage to come collect her, one quickly pulled over, its grey coated geldings were huge compared to Giselle, slightly startling her. She quickly climbed into it and paid a sum of money to be taken away. Rome watched through a window as she left. He opened the doors to the rain-slick stairs of the Velanova Ballet, the street was bustling as it moved. He tugged his coat on tighter, what ever she was dealing with he hoped cleared soon. She really didn't seem to well. 

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