Is death by necklace possible? It's giving me serious problems.

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Chat Noir's POV

"Soooooooooooo, ice cream? We're not going to transform anytime soon." Chat Noir had been trying to get Ladybug to go with him to André's for weeks. And he has to admit that this wasn't his smoothest attempt.

"Ugh this is so frustrating. How could we mistake them for akumatized villains..."

He was very familiar with Ladybug's rants and he knew to wait till the end to speak or he'd get a yo-yo to the face.

"...there's something strange about them."

"Have I ever told you how cute you are when you're frustrated?" He flashed her a lopsided smirk and she just rolled her eyes.

"For the last time, I'm not going with you to Andrés! You have to be a couple for that."

"Exactly! Now you understand what I'm getting at Bugaboo." He hated that after all this time the rejections still hurt. He didn't know why he still tried but some part of him still had hope that someday, maybe, it could finally happen.

"It's never happening."

"Fine. How about we just call this a win and pound it." He stuck out his fist for her to bump but she just walked away. "Oh come on! You're just going to leave me hanging?"

He kicked the pavement. Which was definitely not one of the best choices he ever made. He hissed in pain and was about to jump away when something caught his eye. At first it looked like a giant gold coin when he got closer he saw that it was a ring. Not only a ring, though. It was attached to a necklace were a bunch of colorful looking beads with intricate designs on them. The girl must have lost it in all the chaos. He'd have to find a way to give it back to her.

He went to stuff it in a pocket when he ran into a problem. He didn't have any. You'd think a superhero costume would come with at least one pocket, he thought. Instead he put the necklace around his neck. He'd have to find a safe place to put it until he could give it back to her.

He used his stick to get up onto the roof of one of the buildings. In the distance he could see his house. It stood out among the other tall buildings of Paris. He didn't feel like returning home yet. His father would probably want to talk to him, which Chat Noir normally looked forward to but not today. Not after what he had said to his father before. Everything he said was the honest truth but he shouldn't have said it.

Then he remembered the deal he made with Plagg. He needed to go find him some cheese. Luckily he knew just the place.

He bought some camembert from a local store and climbed onto a roof.

"Plagg, claws in." His black cat costume vanished and Plagg dropped out. Adrien gave him some of the cheese.

"Ooh my favorite!" Plagg flew over and not only ate the piece he was given but gobbled the rest up too.

"How are you not sick of it? It's all you eat." Adrien laughed as his kwami flew around searching for more. It felt good to laugh. It wasn't something he did very often.

"Are you sick of water? You drink that all the time!" Plagg countered.

"I need water to live."

"I need cheese to live."

Adrien decided not to argue. Plagg could very well need cheese to live. Kwami's were strange.

"Speaking of water, I'm thirsty." Adrien looked down at the street below. It was a very long fall but he'd never been afraid of heights. The sun was setting and people hasted their way back home to rest for the night. He knew he'd have to do the same soon.

𝓥𝓪𝓬𝓪𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓲𝓷 𝓟𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓼 (𝓹𝓳𝓸 𝔁 𝓶𝓵𝓫)Where stories live. Discover now