Chapter 10

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It is about midnight most of us went to bed I just got up with the sweats. I had a nightmare again; I got out of my bunk as I see Kelley and a Willow in the living room I didn't really want to deal with them. I opened Zachy's bunk curtain as he looked at me as he moved over. Not a lot of people know but Zachary has been there for me through everything. He's like a boyfriend in a way but only he is my best friend. I don't understand it at all.

I cuddled into him as my head ended up on his chest as he rubbed my back. "Cope?" We heard Willow as I looked at her. "Yeah?" "Never mind." She said I shrugged as I finally could relax. "Zachy your the best," he chuckled as I could feel the vibrations as we heard "WE'RE HERE!!!" "Leila and Caige are here." I heard Zachary mumble. I closed the curtain as he continued to rub my back as I fell asleep.


I was excited to see Kelley, Zach, Willow and Copeland again. Zach has a lot going on but he's my best friend. But I always thought that him and Copeland have something going on. Dad brought mom for a "family" tour; Leila nudged me as I looked at her she pointed to the bus. I smiled at her as dad parked we ran out of the car as we grabbed our stuff going into the bus. I seen Willow upset already; "what's going on?" "Willow kinda walked in on Copeland snuggling with Zach."

"She's always done that though since we were all kids. It's no worry Willow." Leila said as I nodded in agreement. "Those two can't be parted at times she helps Zachy's depression and he helps her calm." I told her as we heard; "Zach?" We heard no answer we seen the two of them walk out. She looked tired as he did. "Hey!" I said as Zach smiled messing up my hair.

I'm happy for my brother he and Copeland have actually been dating for a while it only stays between the three of us till they are ready to tell people. Cope and my brother have been together since they were 14, the reason why they or I haven't told anyone. I smiled at my brother as he smiled back. I seen Copeland smile at me. I winked at her as she shook her head; "we are about to leave!!" We heard my dad as I crinkled my nose as I went to bunk. We all did... Our phones beeped as I seen my brother and Copeland tagged me in a post.

My brother winked as I squealed!!

Zachary Vincent (@Whenwillinesaved): @CocoQuinn and I have been dating for almost 3 years #confessions @KelleyDoll @LeilaMabbitt @WillowRadke @CaigeMabbitt

We heard dad & Kellin "FINALLY!!!!" We chuckled because they were on their own buses and said it at the same time. "So how long is this tour. Cause I know I'm not the only one missing school." Caige said. "It's about 6 months to a year." I said as his jaw dropped. "WHAT!!!" He yelled as I nodded. "Our parents didn't think this through at all." Leila said.


"And I know who did it." I mumbled burring my head into Copeland's back. She grabbed my hand as I linked my fingers in with hers. She smiled. "My dad did this." Kelley said as I nodded. I felt her thumb start doing circles on my hand; I pulled her closer to me as she giggled a little. "How do you guys manage to see one another?" Copeland looked at me; "we call one another, Skype and when we save up enough we have friends drive us half way so we can see one another."

"You guys are so cute." Willow said half asleep. "Thanks. We all should probably sleep." They all agreed. Copeland turned so she could snuggle in my chest. I closed our curtain as she looked at me I kissed her softly as she kissed back. "I love you Zachary Ronald Vincent." I smiled at her kissing her again. "I Love you too Copeland Quinn Bostwick." She snuggled into me as I played with her long (middle of her back) hair.

I hummed 'Miles Away' by Memphis May Fire feat Kellin. I felt her breathing slow as she fell asleep; I put my head on hers and falling asleep. We all got up to someone yelling, "GET UP GET DRESSED SO WE CAN GO EAT BREAKFAST!!!!!" Cope got out the girls got dressed in the back room. I slipped on my white straight jacket top and my white skinniest that had red paint splattered on it. I made them myself; mom and dad weren't happy but it shows how much I care. Copeland and Kelley call them my zombie hunting skinnies.

I felt my arms being crossed as I seen Caige who was wearing a Motionless in white shirt and grey skinnies and Leila wearing her batman dress she made. They zipped it as I chuckled; "ZACHY HAS GONNE NUTS!!!!" Caige yelled as Kelley and Copeland busted out of the back room with toy gun "Down psycho Zombie!!" "LETS GO!!" We heard our mom. I looked at Kelley as she raised her eyebrow.

"Let's go." Kelley was wearing a Motionless In White tank she made n capris skinnies or whatever. N Copeland was wearing her Royal Bones By Tripp Suger Skull Lace Up dress. We walked out as we all walked to IHOP. We all separated teens and parents/band members. We ordered as I felt a hand on my knee. I seen Copeland smile at me kissing my cheek. I took a drink of my coffee while we talked.

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