Chapter 14

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I watched Jamie storm onto the bus as I looked at her. "What happen?" She looked at me. "That son of yours." She spat as I stood up. Her eyes got big. "Jamie he is OUR son. And what did you to get him Mad??" She sighed. "I was talking to Kelley and he came out and basically told me to butt out of their lives because I'm not the mother they remember."

I shook my head, "I warned you." I told her while walking off the bus. "What? Where are you going?" "To get a tattoo done." Her jaw dropped before she stormed to the bunks. I shook my head wondering where I went wrong.....

I told Crissy about Willow and Rocket. She took it better than what I thought. I thought she would've went off. I seen Jamie come into the back room. "Dad?" I looked at her. "What daughter." She was looking at her hands. "I don't think that Jacky and I are working out anymore. He has given me so many chances that I feel like I Sam a burden to him and the kids." I looked at her. "Do you love him?" She sighed.

"I do dad but I need to tell you something." I looked say her. "Jamie what did you do?" I yelled as she shifted uncomfortably.

I looked at Beau he smiled as we watched Rocket and Willow walk hand in hand over to us. "Mom dad this is my girlfriend Willow Radke." Willow shook our hand but startled is when she said, "don't worry I'm actually nothing like my parents." Beau chuckled. "Well if you hurt our daughter you and my wife I am sure will have a nice talk." I nodded. I watched her squeeze Rocket's hand as Rocket told her to go ahead.

"Mom. Dad." "Uh oh we did it now." I told Beau. "Willow gets bullied at school and they always tell her they want to talk. I'm not going to let you guys do this." She said and left. I looked at my husband. "She gets the sassy from you." He chuckled and smiled at me. "Who else besides you!" I smiled as we continued to go back on the bus.

"Why didn't he tell us!!" Gaby screamed as I looked at her. "How am I supposed to know Gaby!" I yelled back as Leila left. 'Great' I thought as Caige came in with Kelley. "Caige Michael Edward Mabbitt!!" Gaby yelled as Kelley looked at Caige like what the fuck. "Gabriella!" I yelled as she stopped and looked at me. "Shut up and let him explain." She glared at me but did so. "I'm sorry but Zach rather do it on Twitter than talk to you guys so everyone's parents can freak out before." He put his head down as Kelley got mad.

"And anyway it's not like I'm my mother." She spat as Gaby and I looked at one another in surprise. "I don't intend to hurt your son in anyway. If I do than you can yell at me. But right now. I am not going to stand here and get yelled at." "Told you she would be different than the girls he goes to school with."

I got a Text from Ronnie telling me that I need to get back a.s.a.p. ' what did Jamie do." Is all i could think. When my tattoo was done I payed and went back to the venue. I walked to the bus as I seen Zach and Copeland pissed and Ronnie trying to contain his anger. Zach came up to me. "I don't know why you stayed with her." "Come on Zach lets go to my dads bus." Copeland was pulling him to Kellin's bus. "What is going on?" I said confused. "Let Jamie explain."

I seen Cope dragging a very angry Zach. "What's going on?" Zach became more mad as Copeland said, "not know mom I hVe to get him calmed down." I had an idea. I grabbed one of the acoustics from the back. "Zach here." He looked at me as he grabbed it and started playing. Copeland sighed as she started to rub his back. "It's okay." she whispered. "Your dad will take care of it." He put the guitar down and started to cry. My heart dropped; 'what happen?' Is all I could think.

I got some tissues and some bottled water. "Can you tell me what's going on?" He shifted uncomfortably. "It's my dad's deal now. He can tell everyone." I frowned as Copeland rubbed his back more. "Cope you and Zach go lay in the back alright?" She nodded. "KATELYNNE GET OUT HERE!!!" Kellin yelled as I ran outside. I seen Jacky pissed trying to get at Jamie. "You lying Bitch. I should have divorced you a long time ago!!!" My eyes grew wide as I looked at Jacky.

What did Jamie tell Jacky? Find out in the next chapter!! Or comment on what you think she said.

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