Chapter 22

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-couple weeks later-
I woke to a sleeping Copeland by my side. I smiled wrapping my arms around her, "mm Zachy?" I kissed her cheek, "yes love?" "We need to get up for school." She sighed. "Okaay." She said getting up. I turned on the news, a lot of schools where canceled. "Hey dad said that school was closed." Coco said as I smiled. I turned off the tv as she crawled into bed. My phone beeped. "Nooo" I said softly as Cope said, "your mom and dad are bringing your sister home." I nodded making her giggle.

We fell asleep again, I woke to smelling food and a note.

Making food figured you would wake to the smell; shower and come eat.'

I chuckled having Cope in my life again made me happy. I went into the bathroom starting the shower; I showered changing into plain dark green skinnies and my Avenged Sevenfold shirt.


It's been a week or so since Zachy and I uhm....yeah. I haven't felt too good but I am. I am making pancakes when Kelley and Rocket came in. "Hey guys!!!" They smiled. "So we had to take a taxi home. My mom didn't show to pick me up." I sighed shaking my item head. "Doesn't surprise me. Oh schools canceled." "Finally we can get caught up." I giggled at them.

"So how is things here?" I smiled as Kelley and Rocket gasp. "Really?!?!?!" I nodded as they giggled. "Hey sis." Zachy said as she smiled. "What do we do today?" "Movies?" They nodded as we ate. "Also homework." I said as they groaned. I ate, so what movie first?" I asked Kelley got up smiling, "Corpse Bride." we all chuckled. I got up making popcorn, I seen Zachy in his own thoughts...he has been doing that a lot lately. "Baby?" I said softly as he looked at me. He just smile and kissed me. "I love you Copeland, no matter what." I smiled at him. "I love you too Zach." He smiled going upstairs. "Whats up with Zach?" Rocket asked as i shrugged. "He is just remembering i think." She nodded as i looked up worried.

Me: take my car n get prego test and pizza.

I sent it to Rocket she nodded, "i'll be back." Kelley nodded. I sat next to her she smiled. "My brother is strange."she said randomly as I giggled. "So what time was your mom supposed to get you?" "7am."


I crawled off Jacky naked as he groaned, he kissed me. I giggled, I looked at the time 9:30am. "Shit..." he looked at me confused, i pointed at the clock. "Fuck!" He yelled. I gave Jinxx custody of our kid. He was pissed but understood...i hope. I called Kelley. "Hello?" I heard Zach, "hey Zach is your sister there." "Sorry she can't come to the phone her meds kicked in. Maybe later." He hung up. I looked at Jacky he muttered something i couldn't here. I showered n got dressed. I stepped on the condom and threw it away. I went to the kitchen and started making food, Kellin bursted in, "what the fuck!" He yelled. "Kellin he doesn't know cause ZACH DOESN'T KNOW KELLIN!!!!" Katelynne yelled.

"Know what?" Jacky and I asked, "your son got our daughter pregnant!" Kellin yelled at us. I stood there in shock. "H-he what?" I stuttered. Kellin looked confused and Jacky got on the phone. "Alright we are coming over... Yes we will make sure Kellin is calm so he doesn't scare Copeland."

I was laying on the bed, when Copeland came in slowly. "U-uhm....Zachary we have a problem...." I looked at her confused. "Uhm... I am pregnant. Mom and I just come back from the hospital." I looked at her, "w-what are we going to do?" I looked at her, "keep it, i will find a job to support you and the baby." She looked at me. "I-I'm scared." She started to cry. I hugged her, "so am I but we can do this. As long as we have each other." "And us!" Kelley and Rocket said. "God my dad is going to Kill me." I sighed. I kissed her, "he took it better than I did." We heard Kellin. "Cause I am Willing to do anything for Copeland." He nodded. "Lets go have a chat...." well I'm dead.....

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