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Chapter 3: Never

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Chapter 3


A year and a month ago...

I'm two hours late. Damn! My fifteen-minute power nap turned into a three-hour slumber. Ugh. Why do I love sleeping so much?

I run as soon as I step outside of our apartment. Shit. Why am I running? If hindi siya nakapaghintay, then that's too damn bad! It's not my fault that he's that impatient. I slow down and calm myself.

Why am I nervous? Why is my heart trying to beat out of my chest? It's not like this is a date.

My gods, L. Where's your pokerface? The resting bitch face? You forgot na, L? Why are you flustered when you're with him? He just looked at you like you were food kanina. No big deal.

Gosh. I hate this. I hate that guy.

I stop when I see him still inside Starbucks. He's not alone. He's with another girl.

See, L? You're overreacting. Look at him, he's a flirt. It's what he does. He flirts with everyone. Not just you.

Damn. I let him slip in just a tiny bit. Okay, then. Armor up, Salazar.

I push the door open. Kade turns his head and our eyes connect. I just stare at him, face devoid of emotion.

"Took you long enough," he says when I'm closer to them.

I look at his company and then at him. "You didn't seem to mind," I say as I drag the other chair. I sit on it and take my book and notes out of my bag.

"Jealous?" he asks with a smirk.

I just stare at him.

He grins before looking back at his companion. "It is nice meeting you," he says, dismissing her. I hear her sigh before she responds with the same. I roll my eyes and continue flipping the pages of my notes. Really? Baby talk? That works?

"Hey, Salazar. Buy me a drink," he says before snatching my book and notes.

"What the hell?" I fume and he just ignores me.

Fine. I stand up and walk to the counter. Bahala siya. I'm gonna buy him an Americano.

When I get back to our table, I place the tray on it. I sit down and take my pen and notes. "Shall we start?" I ask as I uncap my pen. He doesn't respond.

I look at him to see what's going on. He's just staring at me like he's trying to figure me out. "What?" I ask calmly, fighting off the annoyance.

He places his elbow on the table and his chin on his hand. He keeps on staring at me. It's unnerving. "You're awfully quiet, Salazar? What gives?" he asks.

"I'm always quiet," I answer immediately. Well, I'm not always quiet. I just don't talk to people I don't like talking to.

"No, you're mad about something." I didn't answer. "Ah," he says, then I hear him chuckling. I don't look at him. What's his deal ba? Can't we just fucking study? "You're mad at me."

I look at him. "I'm not mad at you, okay? I just want to finish this shit so I can go back to sleep," I snap. Shit. So much for that pokerface.

He was about to talk back when a guy approaches us. "Hi, good evening!" It's a Starbucks employee. I just look at him. "That guy from the second to the last table ordered this for you. Enjoy, Miss." He places the coffee jelly in front of me before walking away.

"What the fuck?" I hear Kade growl. He stands up suddenly, bumping into the table. I shriek when I feel the cold drink splash on my chest and lap. I look down and see my black tank top and pants are soaked.

"What the fuck, Ongpauco?" I growl at him. He's stunned.

"Shit, Salazar. I'm so sorry." He makes me stand up as he gathers our things. "Shit, sorry. I'm gonna fix this," he says before grabbing my hands and dragging me out of Starbucks.


"No. No effing way!" I tell him, stunned. There's no way in hell I'm gonna wear his clothes! Is he out of his mind?

"C'mon! Just fucking change!" He grabs my hands again and drags me until we get into his condo's bathroom. He pushes me inside then throws me his clean clothes. He closes the door immediately. I try to open it, but it won't budge.

"I won't open this until you change into my clothes," he says from outside. I sigh. Fine. My clothes feel so sticky na rin. I can't take it anymore. I take off my clothes and wear his.

I knock on the door after I fold my drenched clothes. "Let me out," I say. He opens it immediately.

He rubs his chin as he watches me step out of his bathroom. Ano na naman? Ugh. Is he gonna torment me again?

He smirks like he knows something that I don't. "Pizza?" he asks as he takes his phone from his pants.

I shrug. But deep inside, I was like YES, OH MY GOD, YES. PIZZA.

"C'mon, let's take your clothes to the washer." He steps into the backroom and I follow him. Once I was in, I realize what his game is.

"Move away, you're too damn close!" I say while pushing him away. My drenched clothes are pressed against his chest...his hard chest. Oh, gods. His face is just inches away from mine and his mouth is too close!

"You hate it when people get too close?" he asks, grinning. I growl and he just chuckles.

"Move away! You're literally in my face!" I say, struggling to move him away from me.

"Okay." He shrugs. He steps back and takes my clothes. He turns his back on me and focuses on his washing machine.

I take a step back and plaster myself against the wall. Damn. What was that?

I discreetly touch my chest. My heart's pounding way too fast and hard for my own good. I shake my head and feelings away. Wala lang this. You just got nervous.

Damn, L. It's not like first time mo to be that close with a guy. Ang difference lang with him is that you hate him. You hate him, right?

I composed myself before I got out of the backroom. I went to the living room and sat down on the sofa. Safe here. Too many spaces. I can breathe here.

Minutes later, Kade emerges from the backroom when the doorbell alarms us that the pizza is here. He bought two boxes of pizza! Meat lovers and pepperoni. Yum!

"So, are you free tomorrow?" he asks as he takes the first bite of his pepperoni pizza.

I shake my head no. "I can't study with you tomorrow. I have plans." I take my first bite of my meat lover's pizza. Oh, gods.

"Okay. Where are you going, then?" he asks as he chews.

I look at him in disgust. "Why? Are you gonna follow me at The Ledge?"

He chuckles. "Why not? I've got nothing to do," he says, his eyes playful.

I roll my eyes. "We see each other every day, Ongpauco. Aren't you sick of my face already?" I ask in disbelief. I mean, the teasing gets old na. Can he just stop annoying the shit out of me?

His face becomes serious. He bites his lower lip before shaking his head. "Never."

My stomach drops.

And my jaw.

Oh. Shit.

When It Was MeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon