Heosimcheong Spa and a Bump

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A month later.

So-ri now sat in Dae Won's car, waiting for the other guys.

"Good things exams are over eh?."

"Yeah.." She replied, it was their last day at school. Two months vacation up next.

"So, where are you going for vacation? To see your mother maybe?."

"No..I'm staying here."

"In that case, you should come with us, me and the guys, we're planning to got to Heosimcheong Spa."

"A spa?."

"Yes, biggest in the world and all the way in Dongnae district."

"Well, what the heck, I'm in!."

"Cool, now all we have to do is convince Uncle choi to allow you come with us."

"That won't be easy." They said together.

"We said that together." They said together again.

Then burst out laughing.

* * *

Dae won, So-ri and the four boys now stood in a neat line in front of Uncle Choi while he stalked up and down the line, with an arm behind his back.

" Heosimcheong Spa?."

"Yes." So-ri answered.

"All the way in Dongnae district ? Perish the thought."

"But Uncle Choi-

"There is no way I'm allowing you go all that way, alone, with four guys. What would people say?."

"What if we get other girls to come with us?." Dae won asked.

"I could allow that, but only IF I approve of the girls mind you Dae won."

"The twins are on vacation too, can they come?."

"Hmm, well I don't see why not."

"That's four boys, three girls, we'll come up with more and see if they'll meet your approval." Dae won promised.

Choi nodded.

"You do that."

* * *

The next day, the guys stood yet again in front of Choi as he walked up and down the line once more.

The additions included Weird Jessica [The first girl So-ri met at school] and Dae won couldn't believe how it happened but Yoon Joon and some girl no one cared to remember her name he'd brought along. Five girls five boys.

"Hmm!." Choi snorted walking up and down the line "You guys are really hot on going to this spa, aren't you? Look how fast you came up with new people.."

Uh-oh..he wasn't going to say no, was he?.

Down the line he went again. "I know Yoon, I know almost all of you, and I approve, except.." He came to a pause in front of Jessica "You, who are you?." He asked.

"Lee Jessica!." He squealed with a flash of her teeth.

"What do your parents do?."

He asked.

"Father ran away before I was born, mum is a Bartender and I'm a dancer when not schooling." She explained.

Choi blinked a lot, and then some after her explanation.

The group watched him with their hearts in their throats.

Fortunately, he just shrugged and continued his stroll up and down the group.

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