She Is Our Daughter

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This is unedited. Hope y'all enjoy. I know it's been awhile since I've updated this but I'm back with a new one.

Perrie's POV:

I smile as we walk down the street. We're off to get Jazzy some stuff for volleyball and some new outfits as well as a few new outfits for Preston. I look over at Jesy, my wife, who has Preston strapped to her chest with one hand resting on his back. Jazzy is walking slightly in front of us. She's still not comfortable being very far away from us when in public.

"Oh my gosh, it's Perrie and Jesy!" A girl squeals.

Her and her friends sprint over to us. They all appear to be a few years older than Jazzy.

"My name is Tammy. These are my friends Taylor and Ashley. We are such huge fans of you two! Could we get an autograph and a family picture with you two and your son?"

"It's always nice to meet fans. Of course you can have an autograph and a picture but it wouldn't be a family picture without our daughter."

The three girls look at Jasmine, who is now slightly between us with Jesy's arm around her, before looking at each other and chuckling.

I look at Jesy and she looks just as confused as I feel.

"She isn't your daughter. She looks nothing like either of you." Ashley states.

"Just because she doesn't look like us doesn't make her any less our daughter." Jesy replies.

"But neither of you gave birth to her." Taylor states.

"You don't have to give birth to somebody to be their parent. There are many reasons a child doesn't stay with their birth parents and are put in the foster system. Jesy and I were lucky enough to meet Jasmine and bring her home. She completed our little family. We don't care if she doesn't look like us or share our DNA, she is our daughter in every way that matters." I look down at Jazzy as I speak the last words and she smiles up at me. I run my fingers through her curly hair and return the smile.

"Well, we only want a picture with you, Jesy, and your son." Tammy says with a slight attitude.

I shake my head and sigh. "You know what, I don't think we'll be signing any autographs or taking any pictures today. Now if you'll excuse us, I'm going to enjoy my day with my wife and kids. You girls have a nice day."

Placing a hand on Jesy's back, I guide her and Jasmine away from the three teens.

"Did you really mean what you said?" Jasmine asks shyly.

"Of course, baby love. Our family wouldn't be complete without you. We love you so much and we're so grateful to be your parents."

All mistakes are mine. Vote, comment, and tell a friend! I hope y'all enjoyed this!! I know it was kinda short but I felt the best way to get back in the swing of things with this would be with something short and sweet.
Until next time.
Much love!!!!

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