Pregnancy Surprise

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This is unedited. Jasmine is 4 in this. Hope y'all enjoy. This one was requested by @AliciaPlaistowe.

Perrie's POV:

I finish making a simple breakfast of eggs, bacon, and fruit and head upstairs to get my girls. Normally Jesy would make breakfast but she was sick this morning so I let her sleep in. I also let Jasmine sleep in because she had a bad nightmare last night. Deciding to wake Jesy first, I go into our bedroom. The sight that greets me brings a smile to my face; my beautiful girls are cuddled up in the bed.

Walking over to my side of the bed, I crawl in beside Jazzy.

Running my hand through her curly locks, I softly say, "It's time to wake up, my little princess."

All I receive in response is a grunt and she snuggles deeper into the pillows and blankets.

"Jesy, it's time to wake up, love." Jesy growls but doesn't move.

I laugh. "And everybody says I'm hard to wake up. They've never tried to wake yous up."

"You are hard to wake up, Pez." Jesy mumbles.

"Well, look who decided to wake up."

"Sod off." She says sleepily, her eyes still closed.

Chuckling, I ask, "How are you feeling?"

"I feel fine right now, baba." Jesy slowly opens her eyes and smiles at me.

"That's good. Breakfast is ready when you two decide to get out of bed." I playfully poke Jazzy in the side. "This little one isn't even supposed to be in here right now."

"Why?" Jesy asks, propping herself up on her elbow and resting her head in the palm of her hand.

"Cause you weren't feeling good this morning and I didn't want her to come in her and bother you and end up catching whatever you have."

"She won't catch anything, baba. I was just nauseous."

I just nod slowly, not entirely believing her. There's definitely something up with her and I will find out what.

"Jazzy, it's time to get up." Jesy says, gently shaking the sleeping four year old.

Jazzy doesn't move and Jesy laughs.

"Come on, lazy bones!"

"There's bacon downstairs."

Jazzy sits up straight, her eyes barely open. "Bacon?"

"Yes, bacon. Do you need to go potty before we go downstairs?"

"No, Mummy." She raises her arms to be picked up.

Smiling, I stand from the bed and swing Jazzy up into my arms. Jesy gets out of bed and we head down to the kitchen. After we wash our hands, I put Jazzy in her chair.

"Jes, I got this. Go sit your cute, little butt down."

"My butt is not little." She scoffs, taking a seat at the table.

"You got that right." I wink causing her to blush.

I fix each of us a plate of bacon and eggs and a bowl of fruit. I give Jazzy and Jesy theirs first then sit down with mine. Almost immediately, Jesy pushes her plate of bacon and eggs towards Jazzy with a sick look on her face.

"You can eat it, baby."

"Thank you, Mama. Thank you, Mummy."

"You're welcome, baby."

"You're welcome, love." I say as I watch her dig in. "You love bacon and eggs, Jes." I comment.

"Just not feeling it this morning, I guess."

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