11》《You'll come visit right?

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After the incident of me getting in one of my nightmares, Levi had stayed home with me and it was really nice having him around.

He held me close the whole time, his strong hard body under mine. Most of the time, I just wanted him to strip so I could see his well toned muscles and run my hands all over them.

At a point, I had been peacefully sleeping in Levi's warm embrace floating on cloud nine when I turned so I could rest my head against his chest.

I felt him inch away and that got me concerned. If he moved away, I would feel cold and the nightmares would be back. I grabbed his shirt to get him to stay and he stilled.

I don't remember much after that, but I did fling my leg over him to get closer. I had no idea I was that low on his body and I felt something warm, thick and firm press into my warm middle.

It sent sparks up my body and I had to keep from grinding into it. I heard Levi groan then I slowly opened my eyes to see what was wrong and found Levin looking down at me with a strained expression.

I was going to ask him what was wrong when I noticed that the warmth between my legs was coming from him ........ and I wanted to grind into it even more. Shit. He was uncomfortable. Of course you cant just sit on a hard-on like that. I turned red.

When he finally moved away, I peeped down to see how big it was and I silently gulped. What was I doing getting aroused over something that huge?

What was I trying to do? Die?? I got so flustered that I ended up admitting to being a virgin. I was going to die definitely.

We spent the day talking about everything and all. Levi was really nice to talk to. Okay. He was nice. Period. We got through the day and went to bed.

That night I slept okay, not cuddling with Levi. I didn't want him to get hard again like that. He probably didn't want me like that anyway.

Our lives kept on going smoothly, Levi even took us to a mall to get some new stuff, though I didn't get tons of things for myself.

I didn't know what he needed his money for so I didn't want to waste it. Monday morning rolled around and Levi had to leave.

"You'll come visit, right?" Raven asked, hugging him super tight.

"Yeah. I will. When the coast is clear." he responded.

"And, you'll bring us junk food, right?" Mica said when it was her turn for a hug. Levi burst out laughing.

"Course I will," he said. "anything for you Mica."

"Oh man," Coco said when he squatted to her level. "this sucks. Can we shoot him again Simone?" She asked, tears shimmering in her eyes.

"I promise I'll be back Coco." he said, wiping her eyes.

Lila just burst into tears when he got to her, the whole shebang. Crying, sniffing and sobbing. Holding on to him for dear life. That set off a chain reaction in all the others.

They group hugged him, crying a little. I let them bawl their eyes out for a while, my own self a little numb. I didn't know if I would see him again.

"You wont forget us right?" Lila said as he wiped her tears.

Levi smiled and showed her his phone lock screen. It was a picture of all four of my sisters. They had cute face paints on and were grinning from ear to ear.

"I'll never forget you," he said. "don't cry you guys." he added, wiping all their tears and pecking their heads. "I will be back for real. In fact, you can all come visit me."

"For real?" Mica asked.

"And we'll watch John Wick all weekend." he said with a wink, pecking her.

"Okay." Raven said sniffling. "ah crap, who's going to cook supper with me now?" they all shared small smiles.

Their school bus honked outside. They all hugged Levi one last time.

"You have my number." he said, "call me for anything. Especially heartbreaks."

"Bye Levi." they all said as they filed out the door.

"Bye guys." he said. Lila came back running and leapt into his arms.

"I love you." she said. Levi looked touched and shocked for a while before he smiled and hugged her back.

"I love you too I think." he responded before she dashed out again.

Levi turned to face me. It was just me and him in the house.

"Don't worry," he said, showing me his wall paper. It was a smiling picture of me with some flour in my hair and on my face. I had a cat face painting too. "You have a wallpaper too."

I melted and smiled as he came and wrapped his sturdy arms around me. I stood on my toes and wrapped my arms around his neck, burying my face in his shoulder and inhaling him. I felt myself press into his body as he hugged me tighter.

Kiss him

Shut up.

But you'll probably never see him again you idiot. Kiss him.

No, inner self. Relax your hormones. We don't get to kiss Levi.

"Will you be okay?" He asked, whispering.

"I'll be okay." I responded, whispering back. I felt Levi's soft and warm lips meet the crook of my neck. I bit back a moan.

"Is that okay?" He whispered against my skin.

"Lower." I whispered back, shuddering at this man.

His dark stubble felt like heaven against my soft flesh. in a weirdly comforting way. I felt him smile as he dipped his head lower and kissed me again.

"God, I'll miss you." he said, his voice rumbling down my front.

"Me too." I said, getting off my toes as I rested my head on his chest, feeling his steady heartbeat.

"You should call if it gets too rough." he said, looking down at me.

I nodded. I just wanted so bad for him to lean forward a little kiss me already. Levi put a hand in his pocket and handed me a credit card.

"What's this for?" I asked as he shoved it in my palm.

"Its yours. I got you another bank account and everything in there is yours to use."

"You shouldn't have." I said, meaning it literally as I handed it back to him.

"I'm not going to take that back. I already have more than I know what to do with them. This one is yours permanently."

"Levi ......" I groaned, "I cant just use your money. I'm not keeping this."

"I have been living here for three months now completely rent free. Plus, you saved my ass from death in the street."

"That's not true. You bought groceries and cooked and took care of my sisters and I. You already paid me back."

Levi smirked.

"Nice try. Keep it."

I frowned.

"Are we seriously going to fight about this when I'm about to leave?" He asked.

"Fine," I groaned, pulling him in for another hug. I slipped the credit card into his coat pocket in the process, "thank you. Don't get shot out there again. I don't want you to get picked up by someone else okay?"

Levi smiled and I melted. He had a great smile.

"I wont." he said, "I should head out now."

"Yeah," I agreed. Still holding him. We just stared at each other before I moved back. "You should come see us again for real."

"I will." he said then walked out the door, shutting it behind him.

I got dressed in my empty house and left for work.

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