chapter 1

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**3years ago.

I walked cautiously like a cat that was preying on a mouse, towards my dad. "Dad can I talk to you please" I said, my voice was as low as a silent wind whispering through the night.

"I know you need money, you always come like this when your allowance is finished" He went straight to the point. He was not eager to beat around the bush with his daughter.

"Umm, well it's kind of important and umm I was_" I was interrupted by my dad , I didn't fail to notice the lack of interest on his face, I knew I was stalling but he and mom never did really have time for me it was always places to be, things to do.

"What do you need the money for"?

Ah!  I was getting tired of their constant questioning of what I wanted to use money for it was not like the money was not over flowing.

"Umm dad it's for school".

"School what ? School party ?school paper? School_"

I quickly cut him shut before he could tell me the generation of school supplies . "Dad I need it for school project  and what's with all this unnecessary question dad".

"Fine, i'll do a quick transfer".

"Transfer for what ?I just need like cash ".

"Well darling as you can see am too  busy to give you cash so transfer".

"Well if so dad can you make it more than 50,000 dollars ".

Dad sighed "you know when I was your age if my parents gave me 200 dollars for a month I'll be excited and kiss their cheeks and you're indirectly telling me that you can't use 50,000 dollars for a month".

"Dad it's  girls stuff" I whined.

"Okay,girls stuff and don't bother me again".

"Thank you daddy".I said, grinning from ear to ear knowing exactly what I wanted to do with the money and hopping I've survive.

"Any thing for my angel".

"mom take me shopping"  I practically yelled at my mom for the 6th time.

"Aren't you big enough?"

"Well basically I am but I don't have any money mom, can you imagine the daughter of a multi millionaire and a billionaire is broke? mom I want to end my life, ahh the pain the suffering the end has come there's no need to live any more to_"

I was interrupted from my lie and dramatic behavior, of cause I wasn't broke my dad just gave me money like 2 hours ago I was just being greedy.

"Ohh please stop being a drama queen your dad told me he gave you some money 2 hours ago" Bursted, i thought.

"Mom you can't spend nothing less than 100,000 dollars for shopping so how am I supposed to spend 2000 dollars or 5000 dollars out of the money dad gave me".

"Okay fine, darling am going to transfer 5000 dollars".   My mouth hanged agape, from the statement that just fell out from my mothers mouth.

" you are a million times worst than dad" I basically screamed at her , I was totally mortified "mom what the heck am  i Supposed to do with 5000 am 17 why do you hate me so much ,dad gave me 50,000 last time." 

"I mean ,if a client offered you 1 million dollars for a business deal you'll reject it and you are giving me 5000 dollars!" I was totally scared for my life, did this people want me dead.

"First of all you know nothing about a business okay so chill baby girl am gonna make it 30?

"Mommmmm" i made sure to stretch it warningly.

"Okay  50 final offer take it or leave it"
I loved the way I could talk my way through my parents.

"Yeah I guess" I said ,feigning sadness.

"You didn't have a choice And no extraordinary story this time missy" she looked at me sternly

"Yes ma" I smiled.

"your private maid will be here on Saturday"

"What? Am big enough to care for my self"

"Well someone needs to cook we don't want you eating pop tart for the rest of your life".

"Grandma will also be here on sunday still next week Friday and I want y_"

I interrupted her "Oh my goodness grandma is coming
Yayyy oh I miss her so much"

"Grandma my parents barely have time for me I have turn into this expensive girl at school and get home to no comfort I think money is the only thing do for fun". She laughed.

"Grandma I wanna come live
With you" I whined.

"You know you are really dramatic right, you know your parents love you but Don't worry I have signed a deal to make you love and be loved" she said the last part more creepy.

"Really grandma when, I want to know now and I am not dramatic"

"You are going to love him and he will take care of you ."

" wait what the fuck, it's a him? And grandma aren't people supposed to fall in love with each other before getting married".

"Ohh Andre you are such a naive girl ,when you grow up you will understand,But promise me that you going to get married to him wether am here or am not"

"First of all am grown and I promise grandma and you are going to be there trust me" There was no way on fuck planet was I going to marry a man I didn't even know.

"Here take this AA necklace from me so that you always remember this promise you understand"

"Yes grandma it beautiful thank you so much And don't worry I promise you I will do as you have said I Love you grandma" she smiled and hugged me.

"So grandma can you give me umm just a little cash".

"Fine you are my favorite". I gasped, "so am your favorite".

"Just don't tell your siblings okay".

"Another thousand and it's a deal". I said in a teasing voice.

"Fine". she said
Yes Alex, anything the issue
Mom am gonna be late for school

If you had woken up early you wouldn't be late for school rather you would have joined your brother in his car and let the driver drop you off

Ahh mom I realize that now
But please can you drop me off

Yes sweetheart anything for you okay am just gonna grab breakfast 🥞 I will be right back okay

But wait Mum don't you think it's time you got me a new car

The other one keeps breaking down that's true
We will see about that on Saturday okay
Now of to school we go I also have to see your younger brother teacher
Did he put alcohol 🍷 in his teacher drink again

I wish he that , that would have been so much better than what he did now something about black mailing his teacher with a sex video

Mom wow like that amazing we have to throw him a party 🎊 am so proud

You stupid boy to the car now
I need to start teaching them maturity

Ur fave girl cliff hanger
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Fyi am on TikTok cloudi_b

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