chapter 4: Mr pump

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Andre pov

"Hayyy am Andre Alexander
Nice to meet you Alexander umm Anderson right". I pretended like I was meeting him for the first time.

"So you want to pretend that what happened there was a dream right".
His chilled voice came through , making me shiver down my spine , not literally down my spine but you know what I mean.

"Of cause I mean it was a harmless joke". I laughed hysterically, he must think am an idiot.

"Okay a harmless joke , so if tomorrow your parents come looking for you and they find your dead body under my bed it will just be a harmless joke right?" He deadpanned

"First of all,there's no way that's possible I just know it, and also if tomorrow you can't find your dick attached to your leg don't call me I'll be innocent?"

If he was a cartoon I would see the smoke coming out of his ears and his head blow up and land on his neck upside down
I kept smiling to my self into he said.

"what makes you think it's attached to our legs ?".

What I screeched ? He still kept looking at me with does illegal eyes it should be banned I quickly stopped staring umm
"biology I said".

He laughed? Then tapped my head

"What's it is the truth it's not my fault you are dumb ? It was my turn to tap his head , but I just went with the shoulders"

I imagined him checking his dick when he got home like some kind of puzzle.

I laughed at my imagination and Mr pump was not taking it lightly with me he was pumping I could see his chest rise and fall as he was pumping.

"Ooo cool down Mr pump".I teased him further.

"What did you call me?". He said with a voice that said one wrong move am gonna pull the trigger.

"I might have said that aloud. But don't judge me and stop looking at me like that but it's true,look at you, looks like you are about to blow up Mr pump." I teased further not caring about the consequences.

"Don't call me mr pump again it's irritating". He said quite irritated.

"Oh really mr ummm MR PUMP". I teased further.

"Stop it". He shouted.

"You know it just makes me wanna call you that the more right?" I start to trail my fingers on his shoulders

He tried to remove my finger but I dodged and started on his face and started singing Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,no that's wrong ummm Mr pump sat on a wall mr pump had a big blow up all the government came to pump Humpty Dumpty back on the wall

I could see Alexander starting to smile
Ohhh you are grinning like an idiot I can totally tell you know am a good song writer like i could start writing for Taylor Swift am gonna be famous
He grin on his face died instantly
And he put his hand inside his pocket and took his drink from the table and had a sip
I did same the same thing
Then all of a sudden the balcony lit up with slow jams playing
I just shooked my head together we both said
parents. "We both chorused".

Wait do they really think slow jam music and well lighted room is gonna make us fall in love. "I chuckled".

He just chuckled.

As the room lit up I saw his face well and close.

His face was a total ten this should not be allowed he was the combination of a Greek god and Armani model with the hair of ocean waves and his blue eyes he was hot,like what the fuck .I have a feeling like God cheated On all of us he spent too much time designing the Alexander family this is not fair if I was this hot,i would love my self more than anything.

I was looking for a long time and decided to stop and I continued sipping the wine
Then all of a sudden he said "I can't marry you I don't love you or like you."He blurted out.

I look at him shocked and I started laughing "you think I wanted to marry you I pulled up an act for my grandma
I was actually planning to toss you out from the balcony or mash your head with a bottle but because of your Greek god and Armani model body you would not have been seeing me by now so thank God for blessing you."

"Wait what? Armani what?"

"Oops did I say that out out loud anyways am not denying it
Yes greek god Armani model." I said with pride, while I was 50 shades of red".

"what else do you have under your sleeve?" he said starting to smirk.

"First of all it was a little complement and second of all don't smirk you look like a dying pig."

Alex POV

My face fell, I just stared in to thin air then I noticed her turn around oh my the ass the shape the angle of elevation I started to solve cosine and angle of degree on her ass it was perfect I saw her turn around back and then she said

"my complementary card call me I have a plan."

"why do you get to plan?"
She smiled and said
"I don't read Wattpad for nothing.That's what they call secret contract." I smiled
And she gave me a kiss on my cheeks,I was stunned,then she said our parents I just slightly nodded my head
The she walked away
I just sipped my drink and nod my head.

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