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Andre POV
So it's 10:51 pm and am still waiting for Alex and am dressed up in a short fled navy blue gown with an open back . i was wearing heels and holding a clut ch I was just sitting on the couch in the living room then I fell asleep 😴
Few thuds I opened my eyes shit
Andre a voice called
I opened my eyes smiling
Shit Alex said it 12:21 I forgot about me taking you out am so so so sorry he began apologizing

Don't worry 😉 I said just take your jacket off and follow me I dragged him upstairs to our room balcony see I made dinner

It's like you new i always forget he chuckled sadly
No no Armani it's not like that I just well it was 10:51 and then I thought you must have been caught up with work so I  decided to just do it
But I really was expecting you to call me or text me I said but Armani you are here and that's what matter
Why are you suddenly calling me Armani he laughed
Well to see you smile 😃
I gave a big cheeky peck kiss 😘 on his cheek and he smile widened
So as we sat to eat we made some in between joke let's just say after that incident in Miami he was more caring apologizing and sweet I really did love him now and the days got closer and the end of THE Contract got nearer I got more and more scared 😦 but one thing I could never do was express my feelings I was scared of rejection maybe I was too proud but I was deep in my thoughts before Someone touched me I stood up to see him right close to me he hugged me smiling I wanted to pull back but he just hugged me tighter and whispered please stay like this some more I did few seconds passed when I looked up he was staring at me he pushed me a little bit as I was close to the table I sat on the table he cupped my cheek and he pressed his head against mine as our nose touched he gave a deep sigh 😔 like he was controlling something and then I just closed my eyes and licked my lips 👄 and bite it
He grabbed my lips and kissed 😚me I was feeling things I never felt before he sucked on my lower lip and slid his tongue in my mouth heaven knows I was in heaven like I was seriously in heaven as he slowly parted away from me he turned his face away from me then to ease up the moment I said if that's your way of saying thank you for dinner then you are welcomed okay now let's pack up the plates then after that I went in to the bathroom🛀🏽🛁 after I freshen up I waited a little breathed a little
then I went  to bed trying to sleep but I did not come
Few minutes late Alex came into the room I was about to go close and hugged him but he just took his pillow and his phone and I heard the door next room bang
Maybe he thought I was asleep and didn't know I went to bed sad 😔
Middle of the Night
What's happening here why isn't she talking
Young girl if don't tell me what you know am going to kill you here now what is the passcode to this file
I I I don't know sir *crys*
I felt a tings on my face he had slapped
I cryed more pls sir I know
Well you don't we have to kill and torture you here
Last chance please sir 🥺 pls I cried and begged
Your family will never find you
I woke up with a deep breath I was scared I left the room I was a crying mess why did I remember did it come to all of a sudden does Alex want to leave me
I left the room in search of Alex I came to the door and opened it i tried to stop  my tears but it came out as hiccups then I sat on his bed staring at him I was so confused I started to cry harder then he got up and looked at me ANDRE
Alexander POV
I heard sobs but decided to ignore it and then it became louder
ANDRE I called but she just continued crying I stood up I went to meet her on the other side of the bed I hugged her and quietly asked her what is it what the problem
The through sobs she began you want to leave you want to leave me like the left me and you don't like me she said through sobs
That's a lie Andre I am not going to leave
Then why did you Leave the room is it because I was there or because I assumed you forgot about the dinner pls am very sorry don't leave me
No no no Andre am not leaving you okay
I hugged her again and she started having hiccups and then I offered to get some water 💧
You stay right here am gonna get you water okay
I was about to go but she pulled me don't leave me
But I want to get you water
They're take me if you leave me pls down go
Or take me with you
Okay I said as she drank the water her nerves seemed to calm down a little then she started to play with the hem of her cardigan and then she lifted her head but I looking directly at her
Am r really sorry I woke you up it was not intentionally I was afraid 😔
I understand there nothing to be sorry about nobody is coming okay
She smiled i walked towards the kitchen stool where she was sitting I was still taller than her even though she was on a stool I smiled at this she smiled back not even know why I was smiling
I took her Lips in mine as I kissed her then it was turning to hunger as she tried to match my pace I slid my tongue into her  mouth as I grabbed her waist and let our body touch some more

I pulled apart took her upstairs and then we slept peacefully (note no sex)

Thank For every thing ehh vote like comment share instagram Claudia _br03

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