Chapter 10

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(Cat above is Oakpaw)




Any moment now...

Berrypaw stared out into the trees. Soon, she would see her beloved camp - for the last time.

WoodClan crept silently. Even the kits were weirdly quiet. Daisytail swept her tail around Nightkit and Breezekit, who were apprentice-size by now. 

"There! Look!" Cherrypaw's warm breath tickled Berrypaw's ear. "Camp!"

Berrypaw's chest felt tight as she gazed into the trees. Sure enough, there was the thick bramble wall. Her heart thumped. It felt so weird to be walking away.

WoodClan paused as everyone gathered around Cherrypaw, saying goodbye.

Berrypaw watched with a lump in her throat. Nightkit and Breezekit squealed their goodbyes. Acorn touched her muzzle delicately with a paw, too short to nuzzle her.

At last, the crowd parted to let Berrypaw pass. The two sisters twined tails and pressed close, their matching red-and-white fur melting into one big ball.

"Love you, sis," Cherrypaw whispered, her mew warm and gentle. Berrypaw soaked up every moment.

"I love you too. We'll see each other at gatherings, yeah?"

Cherrypaw smiled as she stepped away. "Of course."

"Uhm, Berrypaw, Cherrypaw?" Stonestar padded up. "WoodClan has a magical ritual to help you. We can weave your minds together, so you can speak in your heads."

"Woah!" The two apprentices shared a surprised glance. "Yes!!"

Tigerpelt stepped over. He carried a leaf wrap in his jaws. Stonestar helped him unroll it to reveal a perfectly circle-shaped stone, with a strange blue swirl that seemed to glow and radiate comforting warmth.

Berrypaw could feel it pulsing with magical energy. She and Cherrypaw stood on both sides of the stone as the Clan gathered in a respectful ring. 

"When you're ready, touch noses and close your eyes," Stonestar meowed calmly, but there was excitement buried under all the seriousness and the thick calm.

Berrypaw flicked her tail and shut her eyes, leaning forward. Cherrypaw's cold, wet nose pressed against her own, and suddenly something seemed to swoop in and grab them both, keeping them together. Berrypaw found she was glued to her sister. It was shocking and amazing at the same time. She felt all of Cherrypaw's thoughts and worries flooding into her mind, then gently pulling back. Now only a thin barrier separated their thoughts.


Berrypaw looked around. No one was speaking. The voice called again, clearer.

 It's me! I'm in your mind! 


Yeah! I know! Cool, right?

As cool as can be, said a voice that wasn't Cherrypaw's.

Berrypaw glanced at Stonestar, who smiled. We can all speak with you. Just let down your barriers and let us in.

Berrypaw relaxed and instantly felt Thrushfeather slip into her mind. It was so sudden and new and strange that she automatically threw him out and flashed up her defences.

"Sorry," Berrypaw mumbled and opened her mind to him hopefully, reaching out for his mind there in the crowd. Thrushfeather accepted her gracefully, and his warm presence curled around her like a warm blanket...

Berrypaw, no!

Stonestar's voice jolted her out. Don't let yourself get trapped. Thrushfeather was testing you by locking you in. 

I won't let that happen again, Berrypaw vowed and leaned against Cherrypaw, purring. "Bye."

Cherrypaw licked her ear and dashed into the bushes. Berrypaw stared until the red-and-white bullet was no more, and then slid into the middle of the group as they continued.

Her mind was filled with warm greetings to WoodClan. Then Stonestar's firm presence swept through her, and her mind was hers again - only linked to her sister.

Berrypaw reached out to Cherrypaw. It was difficult over such a distance, but she managed it, just to make sure they were still linked. It was a bit like going down a path. Now, she walked down it, but soon she'd be able to run, then sprint, and reach Cherrypaw in a matter of seconds.

After a while of walking, two warriors padded to the back, and two at the sides. Berrypaw was surprised as Stonestar began to canter forward, bringing the Clan to a faster pace too.

Berrypaw loped alongside Thrushfeather, their pelts brushing. It felt magical to be here with the tom she loved so much. Now she finally understood how Cherrypaw felt about Sootpelt. Besides, now that their minds were linked, even without Thrushfeather she'd feel the love radiating from her sister's mind.

Soon after, they slowed to a walk again. There was a cheerful ripple as they reached a pretty clearing circled by a stream. Twigs lay everywhere as if a storm had swept through. At the far end was a big boulder, with a cliff-like end.

"Everyone! Let all those who are old enough to race among the trees gather beneath the Branchstone for a Clan meeting." Stonestar yowled, leaping onto the boulder. Whispering, the Clan gathered. Antfur sat at one side of the rock.

"This will be our camp. Dig tunnels to the dens, and don't forget to shelter the entrances with twigs!" Stonestar commanded. "My den will be beneath the Branchstone. Let Ginger, Rain and Beetle have their den. The herb stock can be carved into that hollow stone." He flicked a paw to a big empty boulder. Some of the strongest cats had rolled it into the clearing. 

Stonestar explained the directions. Then, when he yowled "Begin!" the Clan went into a frenzy. They all grabbed sticks and twigs and soil flew everywhere. After three days of tiring work, the camp was perfect. Berrypaw was planning her nest location in the apprentice den when Stonestar called a meeting.

"Berrypaw, step forward," Stonestar meowed warmly. Berrypaw felt Cherrypaw enter her mind, filling her head with love. She stepped forward.

"I, Stonestar, leader of WoodClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand your code, and with your help, she will serve her Clan for many moons.

Berrypaw is loyal, clever, and kind. She will serve her Clan well.

Do you, Berrypaw, promise to uphold the ways of the warrior code?"

"I do," Berrypaw vowed firmly, meaning it with every ounce of her body.

"Then, by the powers of StarClan, I give you your full name. Berrypaw, from this moment on, you will be known as Berryflame. StarClan honours your loyalty and kindness, as we welcome you as a full warrior of WoodClan."

"Berryflame! Berryflame! Berryflame!" chanted the Clan. Warm pelts pressed against Berryflame as she touched noses with Stonestar. He smiled. "Well done."

Patchedpaw became Patchedpelt and Fangpaw became Fangbite. Nightkit was now Nightpaw, mentored by Daisytail, and Breezepaw's new mentor was Acorn.

Once the cheers died down, and everyone retired to their dens, Berryflame felt a quiet voice in her mind.

Berryflame, Berryflame...

Berryflame smiled to herself. Somehow, she knew she'd made the right choice.

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