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( Cherrypaw's warrior name was chosen in honour of Niamh Cherrycloud. I still love you, even though we haven't met in almost a year <3 )

Berryflame felt like squealing in excitement. It was her first Gathering with her and Thrushfeather's newly apprenticed kits, Ashpaw, Emberpaw and Sunpaw. Sunpaw stood at the head, just beside the ancient Stonetalon, retired Stonestar, Antstar, and the new deputy Thrushfeather. Emberpaw spoke to her father, and Ashpaw hung at Berryflame's side. Ashpaw was the youngest, the shyest. Emberpaw was the smug middle sister and Sunpaw was the annoying, even-smugger-than-Emberpaw eldest brother. There were yowls as Sunpaw pushed Emberpaw into the stream.

"Hey!" Antstar scolded and led her Clan into the thin stream onto the island. At the centre was a log. The other leaders had gathered up.

"Berryflame!" a red-and-white bullet hit Berryflame.

"Cherrycloud! Woah!" Berryflame grinned. "Have you come to meet the kits?"

"DUH!" Cherrycloud squeaked. Her green eyes scanned the WoodClan crowd.

"Kits, come forward. Don't be shy, Ashpaw," Berryflame wrapped her tail around her youngest daughter. Ashpaw and Emberpaw were red-and-white and Sunpaw was cream.

"Hi!!" Cherrycloud cooed. Ashpaw pressed into her mother, while Emberpaw planned an attack on Sunpaw's tail, which twitched as he spoke to Cherrycloud.

"They're ADORBS!" Cherrycloud squealed happily once Thrushfeather had chased the three rascals away to meet some other apprentices. "SQUEEE!"

Berryflame cuffed a paw around her ear. "I know, right!"

At that moment the Gathering began. Antstar announced Stonetalon's retirement, then explained how WoodClan was settling in well and introduced Berryflame and Thrushfeather's new kits.

"We really miss Berryflame," Tawnystar meowed warmly. "I hope she'll serve her new Clan well."

After that, the other three leaders spoke - nothing interesting - and, before she knew it, Berryflame was back at camp, trying to get her kits to sleep. Ashpaw obeyed, curling up in her nest at once, but Emberpaw and Sunpaw continued to run laps around the camp.

"Emberpaw! Sunpaw!" Thrushfeather meowed sternly. "That's enough. Nests! Now!"

The mischievous pair grudgingly padded back to the apprentice den, while Thrushfeather and Berryflame retired to the warrior's den. They curled up in their nests and mumbled a "Goodnight" which rippled through all the warriors before the den descended into silence.

Berryflame curled her tail around herself tightly, feeling insanely happy. Her life felt perfect. She had a wonderful mate and three crazy kits which she loved. Cherrycloud was also happy.

 Berryflame had everything she'd ever wished for, and more.

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