Chapter 16 Trick

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"According to the footage they're looking for the golden egg. Sounds kind of weird to me." Josh said as he watched monitors. "Rich people will buy anything." Harley said leaning onto Catwoman. "Shoot, you guys are being followed!" Josh said, causing them to look back. "Uh oh!" Harley said as Catwoman got up, aiming a gun at the car, shooting the tires. "Who are they?" Joker asked, looking back. "Checking their license plates now. ." Josh stood silent as he read their names. "Well?" Joker said becoming impatient. "They're the elite force." Josh said. "The what?" Batman said. "They've been hunting us for years, they're way too advanced, we think they're working for the government. You guys better find a way to lose their trail." Josh said. "Those jerks set us up!" Harley said, moving up through the sunroof, firing rounds at their cars. "Can I use your gun?" Joker asked. "What? You're not creating anymore chaos than there already is." Batman said as Joker watched him with annoyance. "Chaos is just what this needs." Joker tried grabbing his gun before Batman swerved the car. "They're just gonna hunt us down until we're out of gas!" Joker said, trying to reach for the gun again. "They have backup! Get out of there!" Josh said sounding panicked. Batman stepped on the gas, breezing through traffic. Joker sneakily reached for Batman's gun, causing him to grab his wrist. "I said no." Batman said, trying to focus on the road and him. "Oh come on Bruce do I have to blow you for it?" Joker said with a smile.  "Woah!" Harley yelped as Jasper swerved the car, causing her to fly onto Catwoman. "Well, hey there." She said flirtatiously as Catwoman pushed her off of her. "Where are they now?" Catwoman asked Josh who was viewing an overhead shot of the street. "You guys are just nearly losing them, make another quick turn right. . here!" Josh said, causing Jasper to immediately turn, Catwoman fell on top of Harley. Harley had a pleased smile. "I'm starting to like this ride." Harley said wrapping her arms around her neck as she giggled. "Jasper!" Catwoman called out, causing him to quickly turn nearly avoiding a pole. "This isn't the time to be messing around!" Batman said as Joker moved his hand up his leg. "Come on this is the most exciting time." Joker said, starting to lean onto him. "Bruce! You'll need to turn now!" Josh said, causing him to quickly turn. 

"Try hiding in one of the nearby alleys." Josh said as Jasper quickly turned, perfectly parking into the alley, they watched the cars zoom past them. "We did it!" Harley laughed, leaning down and kissing Catwoman, causing her face to go red as she wiped her lips. "Well done, Jasper." Harley said kissing his cheek leaving a lipstick stain. "Are they still close?" Jasper asked sternly as Josh watched. "You guys are good, hurry back before they come back." Josh said. "Boss?" Josh spoke over the walkie talkie, not getting a response. "I said to stop, now isn't the time." Batman said, trying to pull Joker off of him. "But you know this is right up my alley~." Joker said, continuing to stroke him. Batman grabbed his hair as his head went down. "S-shit. ." He said deeply. "Boss? Are you good?" Josh said, Batman picked up the walkie talkie. "Where are they-" Batman said, trying to sound normal. "There's cars coming from your left!" Josh said anxiously as he watched Bruce swerve. "I see you're liking this?" Joker said, looking up at him. "Shut up." He said as he turned another corner, starting to see their cars growing further and further away. "Where are the- others?" Batman said as Joker took him all the way into his mouth. "There's cars ahead, Jasper parked in an alleyway, you should do the same." Josh said, watching as he sped past the cars. Batman slowly started to be unable to drive normally, gripping the wheel as to not swerve off road. "That's enough." He said as Joker looked up, smiling. Batman groaned in annoyance, quickly driving down a dark alleyway, parking as the cars sped past. Josh sighed, sitting with relief onto his chair. Batman pulled Joker's head up kissing him. Joker was surprised but happily kissed back, feeling his tongue pressed against his. Batman pulled himself on top of Joker, pinning him to the seat after pushing it back. 

"You guys had me scared for a second, hurry back so they don't see you." Josh said as Jasper pulled out of the alley. "What a ride huh?" Harley said, lying down onto Catwoman's lap, noticing her eyes were glaring into her. "Hm?" Harley stared with a dazed look, causing her to look away. "Boss you should head back too. . . boss?" Josh said. Bruce turned the walkie talkie off, becoming fed up, looking back down at Joker who had his shirt unbuttoned and pants undone. Bruce suppressed the urge to pounce onto him. He sighed, getting back into the drivers seat. "We should head back." Bruce said, causing Joker to watch him, sitting up. Joker then leaned in, kissing him again. "Don't leave me like this." Joker said, sounding like he was begging. Bruce knew he should say no but held his silence, kissing him back. Bruce moved his hand to his belt, undoing it, causing Joker to flinch, stopping. "R-really?" He said as Bruce watched with serious eyes. "You want me to, right?" Bruce asked, causing Joker to look away nervously. "I. . . don't know." Joker's face was burning up. "Is that a yes?" Bruce said, continuing to take his belt off, feeling Joker grabbing his wrist to stop him. "W-wait." Joker spoke quietly. "You don't have a problem doing it to me. . are you scared?" Bruce asked, causing Joker to pull on a stern look. "Of course not, idiot." Joker said as Bruce leaned back onto his seat. "I just. . don't know if you want to is all." Joker said, sounding frustrated. Bruce thought, looking forward. He started driving again. Joker watched in confusion as he sped to the house. "You want to know if I want to?" Bruce asked, causing Joker to think. "I think you know what I want." Bruce said coldly, causing Joker's expression to turn to an upset one. As Bruce pulled into the garage, Joker got out after him, suddenly being pressed up against the car as Bruce's lips landed onto his. Joker froze, watching as Bruce slowly pulled away. "I'm the one who needs to know what you want." Bruce said, Joker looked at him, deep in thought. "What I want?" Joker said confused before sadly looking away. "I. . thought you knew." Joker said with a confused tone as Bruce lifted a brow. "I-I want you." Joker said with annoyance. Jasper pulled in, causing Bruce to let go of Joker, turning as they saw them step out. "Aw you guys beat us again." Harley said stretching as she got out. Bruce walked away from Joker, causing him to look at him sadly. Harley froze, watching him leave. "Help me get these up to the house." Jasper said carrying guns. Bruce sat down on his bed, deep in thought as he began pulling his armor off. 

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