Chapter 1 The first tweak

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John looked at the cat with deep blue eyes and dark orange fur. Its tail curled into a question mark shape, and it stared back with an unimpressed expression. "You never talk. . . but you listen. . ." John says in a raspy voice, making the cats tail stop swaying like sea weed underwater, and fall gently downward. "You can talk. . . come on. . . juuussstt talk. . ." John commands leaning forward in a whispery tone. "Breaking news, Harvey Tower, full of hundreds, was reported to have an active shooter in sight on the 4th floor, vanished from view earlier-" The lady on the television says making John aim his eyes to it. "Thankfully, the madman was stopped before any serious injuries. . . we are now getting note that there was footage of the man attempting to kill these people. Warning, this clip could be offensive to some audience. Viewer discretion is advised." The tv then shows John with white face paint and blood spraying everywhere as people ran away as masked men shot as well. The marks forming a smile from his lips were covered in blood and came to a sharp point. John's scars on his lips that made a smile turned into a real one, seeing the beautiful view from a different angle was entertainment enough on its own.

"See. . . they didn't have real good service to the community, thought I would change the place up a bit." John says trying to hold back laughter. The cat looked at the screen, then got up heading to the window, meowing. John looked at the cat with an empty expression, then heading over to it. He took the gun from his pocket, then aimed it at the cat's head. The cat purred, then rubbed its head up against the gun, making John slightly smile. "Eh. . . you're good at that y'know." John says opening the window, petting the cat on the head one last time, then letting it roam out, closing the window. John sat down, then looking back up at the tv. "Thankfully, Batman came to the rescue in time! Saving hundreds of lives, yet sadly unable to capture this 'Joker', we can only dream of the day we'll be able to see this monster in a cell-" Before the lady could finish, John switched the channel to nickelodeon watching the bright colors bounce around. He sighed, then laying down looking at his hands that were still slightly stained with blood. "Batman. . . they're right, they'll only be able to dream of the day. . ." John mutters to himself. John then felt it. . . the switch, he quickly got ready, got his beauty routine on while playing his old, distorted music in the background. He painted his face and tongue, grabbing his gun, getting a call from an unknown number. "Joker speaking?~" Joker says with the phone to his ear. "It's ready..." The deep voice says, then hanging up immediately. "Well, okay. . . love you! Bye!" Joker says jokingly with a sinister smile.

Joker grabbed his toys, or guns, what's the difference? He then left the room playing music through his headphones. He slowly felt the music taking control of him making him smile for a second, then stunting forward getting to reach his car, speeding to the store. Joker looked in seeing his guys that were wearing masks getting beaten by Batman. "So much for wait 'til I get there. . ." Joker says unimpressed. He rushed out of the car, then helping them out, taking his gun out, cocking it making Batman stop from beating the masked man, dropping him to the ground. The lady behind the counter shook and trembled at the sight of the two standing in front of her. Joker notices her, then clearing his throat, fixing his hair. "Well, you are a very lovely lady, you don't wanna see this, please, for your mental state?" Joker says out of amusement, then making her bolt to the back of the store, hiding behind the shelves. "Now, time to continue with another lovely lady." Joker says looking back at Batman, making him turn around looking at the gun that was aimed at his head. "A store? You're getting weaker, Joker." Batman says in a deep husky voice. "Aw, c'mon cut me some slack batsy, I did pretty good in that building, eh? But. . . you went and ruined the fun. . ." Joker says in an oddly deeper and raspy tone, looking up at Batman with a cold look. Batman finally makes his move, grabbing Joker's wrist pushing it away from his head causing him to pull the trigger, hitting some wine bottles causing them to shatter. Joker tries pulling back but Batman twists his arm behind his back, pushing him to the wall. "Well there, you're being quite rough~" Joker says laughing to himself. "You're staying like this until the cops get here." Batman says sternly.

"Wish I could batsy. . . but. . ." Joker then puts his foot on the wall pushing back with all his force, making Batman let go. One of the guys that had woken up grabbed Batman's ankle, causing him to trip. Joker grabbed his gun, then standing over Batman, aiming it at his head. "Now. . . come on batsy. . . take the mask off and I shall gladly not pull this trigger." Joker says smiling sinisterly. Batman slowly moved his hand to his mask, making Joker slowly get more excited in his head. Then, sirens in the distance caught Joker's attention. "Well. . . that's a real mood killer. . ." Joker says forcing Batman up, still aiming the gun at him, forcing him into his car. Joker cuffs Batman's hands behind his back making him struggle. Joker then sped off, fleeing out of view from the cops after a whole chase of drifting behind corners and speeding off into a calmer street. He sighed, then remembering Batman was in the car, making him slowly look over sinisterly, then slamming on the breaks. Batman only groaned slightly, then looked over at Joker seeing him resting his elbow on the arm rest and his head on his fist with an amused smile, realizing what was about to happen. Joker cleared his throat, then 'stretching' reaching over to Batman's mask. "Joker. . . don't do it. . ." Batman commands in a cold voice. Joker then grabbed onto the back of the mask, "I'd love to see the face behind the mask, Bat. . . man. . ." Joker says coldly, pulling the mask off making Bruce turn his head in shame. Jokers surprised look turned to amusement, "Bruce huh? Well, Brucey. . . lets go show everyone the new get up." Joker says laughing with his sinister laugh, speeding to the News station.

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