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Everything was black and painful. I couldn’t see anything, and it took me a while to realize that maybe it was because my eyes were closed. Why are they closed? Did I fall asleep? What even happened? After being confused and talking to myself in my head for a little bit longer I finally decided to open my eyes. I was laying on the floor right beside the couch in the living. Why the hell was I on the floor and not on the couch? Or should I say we. Harry was practically on top of me, passed out. I could feel he only had his boxers on, and it took me a moment to realize I only had my panties and Harry’s oversize tee on. A single blanket covered both of us. It didn’t take long for me to realize that we must’ve had sex; I just couldn’t recall a single event that happened in the past hours. My head ached even more, how drunk did we get? I was still trying to figure things out in my head when I felt Harry beginning to wake up. It took him a while to finally get his eyes fully opened; he literally just kept blinking due to the light. He then looked straight at me, his face slowly showed some realization of the current situation. “Oh my fucking god,” he said quietly, a hint of a smile on his face. I just laughed, “I know,” I replied. We both just lay there together, not knowing what to say or do. Finally, Harry broke the silence, “you never mentioned you had a tattoo.” “What?” I asked, of course I knew what he was talking about, so there was no point of saying ‘what’ in the first place. “The heart tattoo on your shoulder blade, I like it.” “Thanks.” It may seem weird, but I think that was the first time I thanked him for anything. It was probably the first time I wasn’t bitchy towards him also. Weird. “What day is it?” he suddenly asked, “because if it is still today, then Zayn and Niall should be arriving soon.” His sentence literally made no sense to me, but then I thought about what he just said. Zayn. He smoked, and I suddenly had this crazy idea that he must have some drugs on him. The feelings I had before getting drunk suddenly rushed back, the desire to get high remained once again in my head. Harry turned towards me, placing a hard kiss on my lips; I must’ve missed a makeout scene between us in my memory of recent events. He then got up, lifting me up to my feet as well. “Better get ready before they come,” he mumbled. I watched him leave towards the bathroom, and I knew I should be prepping myself as well, but the only thing I was trying to focus on right now was what I was going to say to Zayn drug-wise when he arrives. 

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