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I don't dream anymore. I used to wake up to remembering an entire adventure that happened in my sleep, most never made any sense, but that's the miracle of dreams. Now I go to bed and I only see darkness when I close my eyes. No noise, nobody's there, nothing happens, it's just me all alone in darkness. But then again, that's how I've always pictured my actual life. I was staring at the darkness through my closed eyes when I began to hear a quiet noise, and suddenly something soft was thrown at my face. I jumped up in alarm, waking up to reality, only to find Harry standing by my bed laughing, a pillow in hand. I made a face of disgust, "Ha ha," I said sarcastically as he, still laughing, sat on my bed. I was still extremely exhausted; checking the time to see it was 6:32AM. "What the hell?" I attempted to yell, however my throat was too tired to raise my voice, "why'd you wake me so early?" I buried my face back into my blankets, I'm known for being cranky in the morning. I hate when people wake me up, just let me get up when I want. I tried returning to my sleep of darkness; however Harry tugged my blanket away, letting in all the cold morning air. Before I could react, I suddenly felt my body rising as Harry lifted me above his shoulder, carrying me out of the room. "Stoooop..." I groaned. I tried hitting his back but my arms haven't fully wakened yet, neither have my legs, or brain. I was finally then released, being plopped onto his white couch in front of the TV. "We're going out," Harry said, walking away towards the kitchen, "you promised yesterday." "I don't want to," I complained. I was still trying to fully wake; the last time I woke up this early must've been years ago. Harry then appeared in front of me again, two bowls of cheerios in hand. This was when I first noticed he was shirtless. I had to admit, his abs were.... nice. He sat next to me, handing me one of the bowls, "eat," he commanded. I looked down at the little o's of Cheerios floating around in the milk. "I'm not hungry," I replied, "I don't eat breakfast." "Which is why your bones are so pointy and breakable. Eat." I covered one of my bare knees with my hand; I was only in a pair of purple shorts. Harry took no time in eating his breakfast, while I took a minute break in between spoonfuls consisting of 3 cheerios. "Any day now!" he exclaimed. "Shut up," I said, slapping his abs. He then reached his right arm around my shoulders, pulling my head in towards his bare neck. "You'll fall for me one day," He said, laughing, "I am Harry Styles after all." I placed my bowl on the coffee table in front, careful not to spill its contents as I pushed Harry away from me. "In your dreams," I said, giving him a look as a stared right at his green eyes through my dark brown eyes. Harry turned on the TV with the remote, continuing to finish his cereal. I left my cheerios to become soggy in their milk, I was full. I turned away from him, facing down to my pointy knees. I repeated his words in my head, 'You'll fall for me one day'. On the outside, I showed a minor hatred towards Harry, but on the inside, I don't know. I guess I'm just not ready to admit I was glad he 'saved' me from my street life. 

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