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I stood near a corner of a club in the tight black pants some girl I met lent to me last year. I bend to scratch my bony knees. I stare at this huge crowd through my dark eyes. My disheveled hair falls in front of my face, I never bother to fix it. I feel an itch crawl up my arm as I began to scratch through my red long shirt sleeve. It's dark and stuffy in here, and even though everyone is going crazy and having fun, I'm just standing here and I don't know why. I decide to turn around and head outside to the back of this club, I need some air. Outside, I pull out a cigarette and light it. I just need to relax, free myself. That's when the back door opened and someone walked out. I didn't feel like turning around to see who it was, instead I just sat down on the outdoor steps, minding my own business. "Hey," the person yelled out. Male voice, and British. Curious, I turned around, only to find a tall guy standing behind me. I didn't even need to take a second look before I knew who it was, Harry Styles. My old best friend was OBSESSED with him, it was kind of annoying. I never payed much attention to the band, their music was ok i guess, but they just weren't my type. I looked up at him, making a face to show I wasn't interested, the last thing I needed was to get involved in some dumbass relationship, those never worked out for me. "You ok?" he asked. I raised my eyebrows, "What makes you think I'm not?" I took another drag from my cigarette, tilting my head up a bit to exhale the smoke. "I don't know... just trying to make conversation" Harry said. When I didn't reply he asked, "Where do you live?" "Why do you care?" I replied, I honestly just wanted him to leave, there's nothing wrong with him, I'm just not in the mood of talking. He moved closer, taking a spot on the steps next to me, "Just wondering, I could give you a ride or something." I fake smiled, "Thanks, but no." I stood up to leave when he grabbed my thin wrist, "where are you going?" I paused before replying, "I don't know, away from you. We can't be spotted together." The thought of being caught with him sent a shiver through my body. A picture of us throughout the Internet, the rumors that would begin, the enraged fans, all because he wanted to talk with me. Worst of all, my old friends would see, my parents, who had no idea where I was, and *shudder* the police. No, they couldn't find me, I can't go to jail. Just because I ran away to escape my old life of innocence to join this new world of partying, sex, and drugs, doesn't give them the right to try to hunt me down, I'm technically already an adult. Harry must have noticed the hint of fear of my facial expression, because he asked once again, "Are you sure you're ok? I could.... help you." "I don't need your help," I spat. Millions of girls would kill for just a friendly convo with Harry, and here I was being rude to him and wanting him to leave me alone. We both just remained silent. I then realized that I would later be returning to my cold, horribly tiny flat, which I could barely afford, and having to sleep on the hard floor, when I could just stay with Harry in his huge whatever he lived in, for free. Well, at least only until the cops stopped searching for me, Harry didn't need to know that part of my life, about this huge chase. I then broke the silence, "fine," i muttered, "your place." Taking the hint, Harry smiled lightly. "Oh, what's your name by the way?" he asked. "Brit, and I already know who you are, so we don't need to continue this stupid intro." He smiled at my sarcastic humor, then reached out his hand towards me, a gesture of welcoming me into his life. With my trembling hand, I took it. Would i regret this later? I shall find out soon enough.

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