Chapter four: Bell Test

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Naruto's class sat in the classroom for the last time, soon they'll find out there teams and there shinobi journey will begin. The class waited for Iruka to came and tell them there teams. Madara and Naruto sat in the back of the class room like always for the last time. They went unnoticed by almost the whole class.

The door opened and Iruka step in. "Alright class" he began now standing at the front of the room. "Today your shinobi journey begins. The shinobi world is a hard one, but I have faith in your ability's. I wish you all luck. Now onto the teams" Iruka began to read out the teams. As Naruto already knew the teams he block Iruka out. He sat looking out the window.

"Team 7-" Naruto heard and decided to listen. "Susuke Uchiha, Sakura Haruno-" before Iruka could continue he was cut of by Sakura Yelling "ha take that Ino, true love prevailed all"

"Madara Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki" Iruka finally was able to finish. "What?! Why does Naruto have to be on my team" Sakura yelled standing up. "He's just going to be in the way! All because he came in one day with a friend and acts and dress different, doesn't mean he's any less useless!" Sakura yelled angrily pointing at Naruto, who at the moment just wanted to disappear. He knew very well why there team had who they had on, but he couldn't help but wish those two weren't on it. Susuke, joined them in the war, but after finding out that the kages put Naruto in charge of there forces, he left. He ran to Madara wishing to show them that Naruto was weaker than him. But Madara killed him. Then Sakura, she blamed Naruto for Susuke leaving again and Susuke death.

The only one he ever trusted was Kakashi. He tried to be there for him. But Kakashi could only do so much with the council breathing down his neck. In the war Kakashi and Naruto fought side by side and Naruto came to learn that Kakashi also trusted him more than the others. They fought side but side till Kakashi died. His death broke Naruto more than he'd ever admit, they where like brothers. But Naruto continued on.

Naruto was broke out of his depressed throughs by Iruka, "if you have a problem with the teams talk to the Hokage, he sorted them" Iruka said in a warning voice.

"It's been a pleasure teach each and everyone of you, your new sensei's will be here soon to pick you up" Iruka said. He was a bit saddened to see this class go, but he knew they'd be just fine. With that Iruka left leaving the class to wait for there new sensei's.

Soon every single team was gone, but team 7. Next to Naruto, Madara huffed. "He won't be here anytime soon" Naruto told Madara who just groaned. Naruto chucked quietly as he turned the page in his book.

"What's taking our sensei so long?!" Sakura shouted throwing her hands in the air. Naruto looked at the clock in the classroom, they still had an hour before Kakashi shows up.

"Susuke-kun, will you go a date with me?" Sakura asked turning to the revengeful Uchiha who was staring out the window probably planing his brothers death. Naruto sweat dropped at the mood change.

Another hour passed and Naruto could sense the familiar chakra of Kakashi. Naruto looked at the door just as Kakashi opened it. When he saw the familiar silver gravity defying hair he froze.

Naruto and Kakashi where fighting on the front lines once again. They where watching each other's backs as the fighting raged.

Naruto was panting slightly as he took out yet another white zetsu. Naruto stumbled a bit, he looked around the battlefield. That was his first mistake. Countless body's laid on the ground, there blood changing the grounds colour. Naruto was unaware of his surroundings as his eyes went wide. He's seen death yes. He's fought in this war for over a year but, he couldn't help but blame himself. Naruto lead them here. He gave the command to charge. He. Gave. The. Command. To. Fight.

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