Chapter Fifteen: The journey begins

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It was the following day and the sky was dark as heavy ran fell from the sky, it was like the heavens themselves where grieving for there losses.

Naruto stared emptily as different people walked up and placed a flower on the third Hokage's casket in front of a picture of the third.

Naruto felt everything, yet nothing at all. Naruto watched as people started to leave after paying there respects, wanting to get out of the ran.

Naruto stood unmoving in the down pour, not bothered by the cold rain that soaked him to the bone. He welcomed the cold as a reminder that he was still aware of where he was.

Naruto felt the two chakra's approaching him but did nothing knowing who they are. They stood next to him but said nothing. The silence that fell other the three was a comforting silence, the two seemed to want to let Naruto know he was not alone.

Kakashi decided to break the silence. "He was a great man, great shinobi and an even grater Hokage" the silver haired man began. Naruto didn't turn to look at the man, he just continued to stare forward.

"Lord third fought to protect the village just like your father and the other Hokage's" Kakashi said looking at Naruto from the corner of his eye. Naruto seemed to blink at that. It was all Hokage had died for the village they wished so much to protect. To protect the king, the younger generation to make sure the will of fire burns bright. Naruto had once done he same, but he outlived the village and it's occupants.

Naruto sighed his shoulders slumping. He hadn't slept the night before and he was begin to feel tired because of the recent event. Naruto still didn't move as he stood in the rain with Kakashi and Madara stood next to him.

Madara looked at Kakashi and came to the conclusion that at this current moment Kakashi was the better option to comfort the blond.

Madara placed a hand on Naruto's shoulder patting it slightly before Shunshine away. Naruto didn't react to Madara's leave knowing what the old Uchiha was doing.

Kakashi looked at where Madara once was. He hummed before turning to face Naruto. "You two seems to get along well" Kakashi commented somewhat slightly amused.

Naruto didn't say anything for awhile making Kakashi think he wasn't going to get any response, not that he needed one.

"I suppose" Naruto said dismissively, not really bothered. "Come on" Kakashi said signalling for Naruto to follow him. Which Naruto did with a sigh.

They walked through the quiet streets of the leaf village none of them breaking the silence they once again fell into again when they began his walk.

They silently walked to an apartment building which Naruto remember as Kakashi apartment. Naruto didn't give an indication that he knew where they where going not wanting to have to answer Kakashi questioned.

Kakashi opened the door as hell it open for Naruto to enter. Once they where both inside Kakashi apartment, Kakashi disappeared for a moment while Naruto sat on the couch waiting for Kakashi to return. Having no idea what the silver haired man was going.

Last time Kakashi's left him to his own devices during this time, they had yet to form the bond they had in the fourth great shinobi war. Even then Kakashi told the blond he wanted to be there but the council commanded him to say away, even going as far as threatening the blond to persuade Kakashi to keep his distance. Durning that time Naruto wasn't strong enough to defend himself, but now that was a different story.

Kakashi soon came back with somethings in his hands that Naruto couldn't see what as they where covered by a cloth.

Kakashi sat next to him on the couch before speaking. "Your father gave this to me when I became a jonin" Kakashi told Naruto as he pulled out a three pronged kunai.

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