Chapter nine: Gaara

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Sorry I haven't updated for awhile I've been struggling with life but I'm back and will hopefully be updated regularly again.

I apologise again for being gone for so long.

Here's some art I've done. In my opinion I think the Kakashi ones are better but let me know what you think.

If you have any characters you want me to do for the Naruto anime let me know and I'll try and draw it!

If you have any characters you want me to do for the Naruto anime let me know and I'll try and draw it!

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Now onto what you're all here for, the chapter

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Now onto what you're all here for, the chapter.

It's been a few weeks since the land of waves mission, and Tean 7 where told to meet Kakashi at the training grounds by the bridge.

Naruto and Madara where first to arrive, they sat next to each other lent against a tree near the bridge. Naruto tried to stifle a yawn. He didn't sleep well last night because he was aware of the events that would happen soon. "Tired?" Madara asked looking at Naruto, who nodded. There was no point in trying to deny it. "Try getting some sleep. I'll wake you up when everyone's arrived" Madara told Naruto. Naruto was reluctant, as much as he needed the sleep he just couldn't. His mind wouldn't let him.

Madara sighed "if you don't sleep you'll be too tired to do anything" Madara told Naruto who looked down at his hands that where in his lap. "Just sleep" Madara said looking at Naruto again. He nodded and let his eyes drop, falling into unconsciousness.

Twenty minutes passed before Madara felt something on his shoulder. He tensed not use to physically touch unless it was in a fight. Madara turned his head to see Naruto's head resting on his shoulder. Naruto's looked peaceful and relaxed. Madara looked away from Naruto.

Madara relaxed getting use to the feeling. It wasn't unpleasant, he actually found himself enjoying it. Madara couldn't remember the last time he felt so relaxed. He couldn't remember the last time someone felt relaxed around him. And he enjoyed it. The last time someone was this relaxed with him would have been his younger brother that died at the hands of Tobirama.

The sun shines down on them warming them up and soon Madara felt his own eyes become heavy. But he didn't want to sleep. He wanted to make sure Naruto was alright. He didn't want his team mate, Sakura to try to hurt Naruto for sleeping. Madara didn't like the girl, no, he hated her. He hated the way she treated Naruto like he was nothing but some dirt under her feet.

Not long later Madara heard foot steps. He looked up to see Sakura making her way over closely followed by Sasuke. Sakura looked over to where Naruto and Madara where and stormed over.

"Naruto you baka, wake up!" Sakura yelled pulling her fist back intending to punch Naruto. "Get off of Madara!" She yelled her fist flying towards Naruto. Naruto woke up because of all the yelling but didn't notice the fist coming towards him. Madara caught Sakura's fist. "Don't touch him" Madara said coldly glaring at Sakura tightening his grip on her fist. "Ow! Yet go!" Sakura shouted tears forming in her eyes. Naruto saw this "Madara, let her go" Naruto told Madara as he stood up. Madara grunted and let go of Sakura's hand also standing up.

Just as Naruto and Madara stood up Kakashi appeared in front of them. "Why'd you call us on our day off?" Sakura asked after recovering form moments ago. "Because" Kakashi said pulling some papers out from his pouch. "I've recommended you guys for the Chunin exams" Kakashi explained as he handed them the slips of paper. After they all had hold of the there slip Kakashi carried on speaking "the chose is up to you if you want to do it or not" Kakashi told them before leaving. They all parted ways, Madara and Naruto went together.

About half an hour after separating Naruto and Madara where just walking through the village talking when they noticed that they where being obviously followed. Naruto sighed quietly under his breath as he stoped walking. Konohamaru and his friends came out of a square box that was meant to be a rock. "Ah I told you two he was good. Boss is the best!" Konohamaru shouted happy as he pointed at Naruto. Madara rasied an eyebrow looking at Naruto for a bit of an explanation. Naruto shook his head slightly promising to explain later.

As Naruto and Konohamaru talked along with Konohamaru two friends, Sakura showed up. Konohamaru asked Naruto to play ninja with them.
"Pff, playing ninja while being a ninja is just lame" Sakura commented as she moved her hair out of her face. "Boss, is that your girlfriend?" Konohamaru asked pointing at Sakura. Naruto looked from Konohamaru to Sakura, then back at Konohamaru. "Nope" Naruto replied. "Good because her forehead is huge" Konohamaru said looking at Sakura's forehead. Sakura had a dark look come over her face. "Run" Naruto told Konohamaru, who smartly listened and ran as fast as he could away for the enraged Sakura. "Get back here! I'm going to make you regret saying that!" She yelled at the academy student.

The other followed the two as they ran. Before they came round the corner they heard Konohamaru voice, "hey! Let me go!"
Naruto came round the corner with Madara, Sakura and Konohamaru friends behind him. "Let him go" Naruto told the person that held Konohamaru calmly. "And why should I do that? He bumped into me, I'm going to make him pay" they replied. Sakura went to say something but stoped when she saw the look Naruto was giving her.

"The kid your holding his the third Hokage's grandson. Do you want to start a war? Put him do" Naruto told the person with some type of paint on his face. But he still didn't let go. The blond behind the boy with paint of his face smirked. Naruto sighed then in a blink of an eye he was gone leaving nothing but a yellow flash.

The face paint boy felt something cold and sharp in his neck not ever a second later. "I said put him down. I won't ask again" Naruto said coldly applying more pressure to the kunai. 'W-what? How'd he get there so fast?!' The boy thought as he dropped Konohamaru. "Now that wasn't so hard was it" Naruto said as he stepped back.

Naruto looked back to where Madara and Sakura to see at some point Sasuke had also come. Naruto turned his head towards the tree near them having sensed someone there. "Hey you in the tree come down" Sasuke said sounding cocky as he shoved his hands in his pockets. In a swill of sand a red head was now stood with them. "Temari, kankuro your both a disgrace to your village" The red head told his siblings. He tried round to face the other. "You, what's your name?" He asked looking at Naruto. Sasuke smirked as he stood up straighter "my names Sasuke, Sasuke Uchiha" he arrogantly said. "Not you" the red head said now pointing at Naruto "him"

"I'm Naruto, Naruto uzumaki, you?" Naruto told him. "Gaara" Gaara replied. "Mother wants your blood" Gaara said looking more intently at Naruto. Naruto forgot how Gaara was before he help him. "I look forward to see you in the exams" Gaara said as he started walking away. "Temari, kankuro hurry up before I kill you" he called over his shoulder not slowing his pace.

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