1) Caught by a Mob Boss

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Ash looked around the corner evaluating the situation, pikachu sat on his head getting his own look. Team Rocket was crawling all over the square, at this rate it would be impossible to get into the building. Ash cursed under his breath, so close but it would do him no good to get caught here. Waiting he continued to survey the area... waited... waited... there! No one was looking as Ash darted forward, he was faster than many because of how many times he had had to run from things. Pikachu jumped to the ground as Ash hit the wall hard stopping his forward motion. He was now at the side of the rocket building, still unable to get to the door. For some reason the grunts seemed more active today, like something big was going on.

Looking again ash saw his chance, pikachu got ready to run. Setting himself ash waited a second and then took off toward the door, only to have it open as he left his cover. Stepping out into the day with a few Rocket grunts following after them was Giovanni. Giovanni as in the leader of Viridian gym. Giovanni as in one of the most successful businessmen in the world. Giovanni as in the leader of Team Rocket.


Ash tried to backpedal and get back to the wall, but it was too late. Giovanni's head instantly snapped in Ash's direction and in seconds grunts were giving chase. Pikachu jumped onto Ash's shoulder as he fled, both of them knowing that Pikachu couldn't keep up on his short legs.

Dammit, dammit, I was so close.

Anger at his own incompetence raced through Ash but he shoved it aside, right now getting away was more important. After a few minutes the chase almost grew a sort of rhythm.

Dodge. Turn. Run. Jump.

Dodge. Turn. Run. Jump.

Dodge. Turn. Run. Jump. Crash.

Ash ran headlong into a warm body. A tall, well muscled, fashionable suited, warm body. Falling back Ash landed hard and lay gasping looking up into the smug face of Giovanni, Pikachu fell and hit the ground fainting on impact. Ash pushed himself back still trying to get away as he flipped to his stomach and got to his feet reaching for Pikachu. He hadn't even taken a step When he felt a hand grip his collar tightly.

"Yeah I don't think so" came the smug reply to Ash's actions. Giovanni grabbed Ash's hands and held them behind his back, applying pressure to Ash's neck so he bent over. A grunt with Giovanni grabbed Pikachu, stuffing him into a rubber sac with air holes. Both of them were then dragged to a waiting van and Ash was shoved in the back after the rest of his pokemon were taken. As soon as he was released he sprang back toward the door but stopped dead almost instantly.

Giovanni and the grunt weren't alone anymore, they were now accompanied by a mean looking Nidoking and a smug looking Persian. The doors began closing and Ash knew he needed to decide now, if they got him inside the Rocket building he wouldn't be coming back out. With only one more looks at Giovanni's smug expectant face Ash gave up. Giovanni was not only expecting Ash to jump out, he was hoping for it, wishing for an excuse to unleash his pokemon's power. Ash sat down at the back of the van, the smug yet almost disappointed Giovanni being the last thing he saw before the doors slammed shut.

Ash consoled himself, it wouldn't be a long drive to the Rocket building and as soon as the doors opened he could jump out and run for it.

'What about Pikachu' He questioned himself. Sighing he gave up trying to run away, he knew that he would never leave Pikachu and unfortunately Giovanni would know that too. Ash leaned back against the cold metal of the van and brought his knees up to his chest, imagining the worst that could happen.

His morbid musings were cut off when the van came to an abrupt halt sending him spilling to the side. Instantly he was back on his feet. He listened as footsteps came to the back of the van and the doors were yanked open letting light spill in. Any hope of escaping Ash had still been clinging to instantly vaporized as he saw the crowd of grunts and pokemon, many of the pokemon being poison type. If Ash ran he would be killed in seconds. Moving only his eyes he found Giovanni near the back of the crowd talking to a few less grunt looking Rocket members.

Ash didn't get a chance to see anymore as a few grunts jumped into the van and dragged him out. Ash kicked half-heartedly as they dragged him to the building and walked him inside. As they went through the halls and rooms taking him Arceus knows where, every single person in the room stopped and watched. Some yelped, probably those Ash had beaten at some point. Others sneered, Probably those who had never come into contact with him. One certain trio gasped and stared, then started following the small procession down the hall. Ash rolled his eyes, 'no change there'. Not long after the grunts walked him to an elevator and upon entering told the trio to scram and do something useful. Before they could answer the door closed in their faces but Ash couldn't help noticing they seemed slightly worried. Watching the floor numbers it was obvious that they were taking Ash a few levels down, this puzzled him.

I thought the labs and such were in the upper levels.

However this was cleared up when, upon arriving, they walked him down a hallway and shoved him into a windowless concrete room that locked from the outside. In it was a simple metal bed with plain white sheets and a single flimsy pillow. In one corner was a toilet and sink, other than that the room was bare and lifeless.

Ash tried to throw himself back out the door but it was quickly shut and he simply ended up running into the door. He heard the lock click into place as he stood up again. He started pounding on the door shouting profanities and yelling about how proffesor oak or the elite four or the other dex-holders would come get him.

No one answered him.

Ash shouted louder.

Eventually his voice was hoarse and he walked to the bed, falling on it exhausted.

He was caught.

Ash Ketchum had been caught by a mob boss.


OMG what's gonna happen!? Well I don't know either so we'll have to wait and find out. Tell me what you think I'm trying a new style of writing and such. FYI Ash is going to be smarter then in the Anime and he's going to be a bit quieter, Giovanni's gonna stay the same for now. So read, comment, love dragons, you know what I mean. *skips away* Bye.

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