19) Goodbye Pallet

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   Giovanni looked over his bags, making sure he had grabbed everything he had brought. With a final check of the room he grabbed the last few knickknacks and shoved them in a side pocket before checking himself in the mirror to make sure he looked alright. He took a few moments to straighten his hair before looking at the bed and to the feline waiting patiently for him to be ready "alright let's go".

   Giovanni grabbed his bags as Persian stepped gently off the bed and they left the room.

   After a bit of a restless night Giovanni had gotten up that morning to Delia giving him a letter from professor Oak saying Persian should be fine to travel, with a side note that Ash was too. He had let Ash know to start packing and gotten to the chore himself, hoping they could be back in Saffron by lunch.

   Man and pokemon went through the hall to the living room to find Ash and his mother hugging next to two duffel bags with Pikachu laying across both their shoulders. 

   Giovanni gave them space, going to quietly set his bags next to the door. Delia and Ash spoke quietly together for a few minutes before she turned a smile to Giovanni "both of you be safe on the way back".

   Giovanni smiled "we will, thank you for letting me stay here".

   Delia went over to him as Ash gathered his bags "of course dear, anything to let Ash come home for a bit". Giovanni nodded, having expected that, he extended a hand to shake hers. What did surprise him was Delia taking his hand and pulling him closer to hug him "I'll see you in a week or two".

   Giovanni hesitated but eventually hugged back "I expect nothing else". Delia let him go to gather his bags as Ash and Pikachu came over "we'll be stopping around town so you can say goodbye to everyone".

   Ash smiled "oh good I thought we would have to fend off a mob as we left".

   Giovanni rolled his eyes "please, I'm smarter than that". He glanced at Delia, who had leaned down to give Persian some love "well, we'll be seeing you".

   Delia smiled at them both "alright" she glanced at Ash "be good".

   Ash rolled his eyes but kissed his mother on the cheek before heading out with his bags, Pikachu trailing behind with Persian.

   Giovanni was about to follow them before Delia grabbed his arm "and dear, be careful, make sure you're eating enough and getting sleep".

   Giovanni blinked at her before smiling "I will when I can". She gave him one last hug before letting him go out the door to put his bags with Ash's in the trunk. He climbed into the front seat and started the car, glancing in the back to check that Persian was situated. He glanced at Ash too, satisfied that everyone was ready he pulled out and headed toward Oak's lab, where most of the other dex holders housed up.

   Ash watched out the window "so who are we stopping at first".

   "The lab" Giovanni answered, eyes on the road.

   Ash nodded and left him to it, getting a good look at Pallet as it went by.

   It didn't take long to reach the lab, only a few blocks away from Delia's house, and as soon as they pulled in Ash unbuckled "come on". He practically jumped out of the car and Giovanni just had time to grab Pikachu by the scruff before the electric type followed him.

   Pikachu grumbled as Ash looked back into the car at Giovanni. The rocket boss waved him on "we're staying out here, I have no wish to tangle with the multiple annoyances that must be in there, Pikachu is staying with us to insure your return".

   Ash rolled his eyes "fine, see you in a few minutes". Ash closed the door and walked inside as Giovanni locked it before letting Pikachu go. Pikachu shot him a pout before getting up onto the dash to watch the building.

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