Strangers And Trains

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Everyone! Please please read the authors note before you leave hate on how I'm shipping people who are uncomfortable with it! Also there will be warnings for the story there!

Tommy looked down at the dead vampire below him. The thing had a a pure silver sword sticking out of its chest, something done by Mr. Innit himself, and a Monkshood flower placed inside his hands.

"Fucking blood suckers," Tommy mumbled under his breath, "can't wait to have this done with."

Pulling out his phone, he sent his location to the general with all the details so he could get approved for the night.

The message was simple, it explained how he stumbled across a vampire in an abandoned building and then killed it. Tommy considered things such as this to be useless kills, the vampire was most likely extremally new and untrained in how to kill; easy prey for Tommy but not so much for the vampire.

Tommy knew this was sort of cheating to count but he was hungry gosh darn it and he was not allowed to return to the academy until he killed two vampires! The other one was a harder kill anyways, it all evened out.

It took a few minutes but the general, Sam, had finally saw the message and gave Tommy permission to go home. With that, the boy quickly walked out of the building as to avoid running into another vampire.

Luckily for Tommy, and his poor stomach, he was able to make it out of the danger zone without coming into contact with another blood sucker.

When he stepped into he felt his phone start to ring in his pocket, he looked at who the caller was and then quickly answered, "Hey Sam."

"Hey Tommy I just wanted to make sure you got out of that area safe," said the older with his normal concerned tone, "It's really dangerous and I hate it when Eret assigns you there."

Tommy couldn't help but giggle slightly, it really made him happy. "Yeah, I was able to get out without running into another one so I'm doing good."

The conversation kept on for a little longer, it was mainly just Sam asking about Tommy's day and making sure he hadn't got hurt on any missions lately. With every word that Sam said, every small bit of concern, the younger felt his heart fill with joy.

"You still there, Tommy?" Sam asked after not receiving a reply.

The boy was quickly brought back into reality and realized that he had completely zoned out. "Yeah yeah, sorry, I just zoned out."

Sam's tone quickly switched to one of concern, "is everything okay?"

Tommy stopped walking and debated his next words; he'll just say it, "everything's great actually I was just think about how much you act like a dad towards me. It's really nice."

Tommy heard what sounded like sniffing from his speaker, "I'm really glad you like it."

Tommy smiled slightly at the emotional reaction, he really did view Sam as a father figure. The man was able to pull off that whole "strict and loving" vibe very well. Maybe Sam's actions would be annoying to others but Tommy never knew his family so it was just endearing to him.

"Well I have to go now but I'll see you tomorrow, okay?" Sam said, bringing the conversation to an end.

"alright, bye big man." After Tommy said his goodbye he realized that he had arrived at the train station. He walked over to the shortest line he could find for the ticket booth and stood patiently.

The station he was at was fairly nice, it had a very clean look to it and to be able to use this station you had to have a decent to clean criminal record; that made the place feel a lot safer.

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