Mini Chapter 1 : Guitar Centered

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(I'm starting to include some of the rainbow rocks shorts so it will eventually lead up to rainbow rocks but we got time. Also just letting yall know this takes place before Code Busters.)

3rd POV:

It's been a week since the gang fought their first battle against evil and it's been very quiet since then. Everyone has been learning skills with their magic and since Rarity doesn't have a Magic type yet she just learns under Udonna and she is making really good progress. Udonna still doesn't know how Y/N and Twilight can turn into Rangers but she is still glad for them to help out. As for normal life, Y/N has taken the time to familiarize himself with the other students and staff in CHS and even piqued interest in a certain white-haired magic girl. He also took the time to talk to the girls who have been very... clingy recently but he doesn't know why.

Anyway, right now he and the others were talking about random things between Magic and school life when Rainbow brought up an idea about forming a band to which they all agreed but first... they need to fix her guitar.


~At the Mall~

Y/N: So... why are we here again?

Rainbow Dash: Because I need to get a new guitar.

Rarity: But Rainbow Dash I simply don't see why you can't just play the guitar you have.

Rainbow then proceeds to open her guitar showing her guitar and well... I do not blame her for buying a new one.

 I do not blame her for buying a new one

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Rarity: Ah... now I see.

Y/N: Hey Vinyl 👋

Vinyl looks up at me

Vinyl: *takes headphones off* What's up Y/N what can I do you for?

Y/N: More like can you help my friend here with her guitar problem?

Vinyl then looks at the guitar and from her face, I can tell this was gonna be pricey

Vinyl: Y/N you know I care and all but this is gonna be hard for me to fix so I say get a new one. But lucky for you guys, we have some new guitars in stalk and some are half priced so go ahead and take a look around.

Y/N: Thanks Vinyl you're the best!

Vinyl seemed flustered when I said that but I didn't pay much mind to it and continued looking with the others.

Rainbow Dash: I just realize... why don't we use our Magic to fix my guitar or why don't we just magic up some money! It would save us a lot of time.

Y/N: I don't think that's a good idea Dash

Sunset: I agree with Y/N that it would be wrong to use our Magic to fix a problem that we can solve. Plus we would be abusing are Magic at that point.

Rainbow Dash: *sighing with a pouty frown* Finnnne

I felt bad for Dash so I pet her on the head to make her feel better honestly, I was expecting a punch in the face but surprisingly she seemed to like it and nudge her head into my hand. I could have sworn I heard her purr but then she stopped and I think I saw her blushing. I also felt stares behind me but when I did it was just the girls but they were looking in different directions.

Anyway, Pinkie was showing off a couple until one peaked Rainbow Interest.

(Start at 0:30 to till the end)

I kinda felt bad that Trixie since she wanted one and even did a decent shred off against Rainbow so I decided to give her something.

Y/N: Hey Vinyl how much for that guitar right there?

I pointed to a triangle-shaped guitar that was red on the outside and white in the middle.

Vinyl: It's $600 dollars why?

I then pull $600 and a $20 dollar bill and gave them to her as a tip

Y/N: Give that guitar to Trixie for me and keep the $20 dollars

Both girls looked shocked as I did this and then Trixie spoked

Trixie: Y/N why would you help Trixie out? We barely talk as it is so-

I then cut her off

Y/N: We'll 1st that's not true we do talk it's just I get called for my... side job but I always try making time for you. Second, it's cause we're friends Trixie, friends help each other out in difficult times, and even though this isn't much of one I still wanted the Great and Powerful Trixie to shine with a Great and Power guitar.

Trixie seemed like she was gonna cry

Trixie: I-I... Trixie doesn't know what to say

Y/N: Don't say anything. Just promise me you will rock with that guitar ok?

Trixie then look at me with a smile and a determined look

Trixie: Of course, Trixie will rock this guitar! And I'll make sure to show my Great power with it! But before Trixie goes

Trixie then came up next to me and Kissed me on my cheek. To say I was a stuttering mess was an understatement. I could barely say a word.

Y/N: *blushing* I-I-I Wha- Ho- Wh-

Trixie laughs at this and gives me a wink and waves and says bye as she walks out. Vinyl was just laughing but also seemed a bit upset.

Pinkie Pie: Y/N you coming or not?!

Y/N: S-sorry Pinkie I'm coming now!

I quickly shook my head and ran quickly to my friends as well went home but I couldn't shake the feeling of what happened. Why did Trixie kiss me on the cheek? I'm pretty sure I'm overreacting a bit. I mean sure Trixie is pretty but I don't think she is into me. The same could be said with the others but I think I should leave it alone for now.

I get into my bed, turn my lights off, and go to bed ready for a Magic lesson Udonna has for us. Something to do with "Magic Broom Racers" or something like that. Anyway Time for s- Zzzzzzzzz.

All right! This chapter was pretty easy to put out this time! Now I will be including a couple of mini chapters for the rainbow rocks stuff which will be interesting to show off. I also have lots of plans for some of the characters so I hope your ready. Finally I'm still trying to get a hang of right a "harem" based thing so I hope it works to your liking.

Anyway before you go I decided to call Y/N and the girls for something! Hey guys!

Y/N: what's up Ranger?

I got a special outro this time and I recommend the viewers at home try it out!

Pinkie Pie: WAIT! Are you going to be using what I think you are using?!

Considering you can basically read the script and my mind, yes yes I am.

Get ready to dance!

Y/N and Girls (except Pinkie): Dance?

Cause it's time for...

Me and Pinkie: The MagiRanger Dance!

Everyone: Ehhhhh?!

See y'all next time!

Next Time: Chapter 6: Rock Solid!

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