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On Sapphire Wings and Jaded Scales by Nightingale257

Title/Cover: 9
Blurb: 9
Hook: 4
Narrative/Voice: 8
Character Development: 7
Grammar/Spelling: 16
Writing Style: 8
Overall impression: 7
Total: 76
This is a very pleasant and captivating story. It is suitable for younger readers, but the world building and exciting journey of the twin main characters will be enjoyable for readers of all ages. Well done.

The Green Guardian by CroodsGirl

Title/cover: 7
Blurb: 6
Hook: 3
Plot/originality: 7
Narrative/Voice: 6
Character Development: 7
Grammar/spelling: 14
Writing style:7
Overall impression: 7
Total: 64

The overall concept and cover design is lovely. However, there a lot of things that need to be adjusted to enhance it. The title is plain for a fantasy story and the blurb is too detailed. Additionally, there's too much going on so soon in the story, and the structure could be improved to make it flow better. One major tip I would like to give is to make the voice of the main protagonist clearer because of the various supporting characters.

Rise of the Firstborn by briizy98

Title/cover: 6
Blurb: 7.5
Hook: 4
Plot/originality: 8
Character development:9
Grammar/spelling: 18
Writing Style 8
Overall impression: 8.5
Total: 78

A captivating story with stunning world building and action from the start. Kindly consider a more interesting title because the current one is very plain for a fantasy story, and a little less detail in the blurb because mystery is important to readers of all genres especially fantasy. Well done and good luck.

Infinity: Whispers of Orianne by xxunknowndreamerxx

Title/Cover: 10
Blurb: 6.5
Hook: 4
Plot/Originality: 7.5
Character Development: 8
Grammar/Spelling: 17
Writing style: 8
Overall impression: 7
Total: 75

The narration and character development are impressive. However, the blurb starts off plain and then goes into too much detail. Aside from that I hope you continue this story in the near future. It's great and has a lot of potential. Best wishes.

Tethered Destinies by MiniMoxx

Title & Cover: 10/10

Blurb: 9/10

Hook: 5/5

Plot & Originality: 9/10

Narrative & Voice: 10/10

Character Development: 10/10

Grammar & Spelling: 16/20

Writing Style: 9/10

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