112 5 4

1)Call me Sam by Juleove (75)

Title & cover : 7/10
Blurb: 6/10
Hook: 3/5
Plot & originality: 6/10
Narrative & voice: 8/10
Character development: 8/10
Grammar & spelling: 20/20
Writing style: 9/10
Overall impression: 8/10

Feedback: Good overall just a little predictable since it's the classic story of girl with nothing to girl with everything, but still a good read. The blurb could be a little more captivating, rather than just two sentences giving the gist of the story.

2) The weight of a crown by @-nina-writes (80)

Title & cover : 7/10
Blurb: 10/10
Hook: 2/5
Plot & originality: 7/10
Narrative & voice: 9/10
Character development: 9/10
Grammar & spelling: 16/20
Writing style: 9/10
Overall impression: 9/10

Feedback: The cover isn't anything special, I suggest improving it. Apart from that, you have an amazing storyline. It is quite unpredictable and unique. Your hook was typical. Not very catchy, but it's okay as far as hooks go.

3)Free Fall by underthemoment (83)

Title/cover: 10/10
Plot &Originality:6/10
Narrative &Voice:9/10
Character Development:9/10
Grammar &Spelling:17/20
Writing Style:9/10
Overall Impression:9/10
Feedback: Since I saw mentions that this is a rough first draft, you likely have an idea of the edits you might need to do. Regardless, I hope my feedback can help. You've got a great story on your hands, it's just the execution that isn't the best. There's some telling and not showing in places which makes the narrative drag a bit. Also, there's some missing punctuation that would have helped make the writing go smoother. And at certain points, the narrative can get confusing. Otherwise, I'm eager to see where the story will go, definitely has a good plot and storyline.

4) Theres Only You by HappyEndingWriter (87)

Plot &Originality:10/10
Narrative &Voice:9/10
Character Development:10/10
Grammar &Spelling:19/20
Writing Style:9/10
Overall Impression:8/10
I love the story you've written! Its a cliche but not; a nice little twist to the common trope of falling for the best friend. The only hang-up I have is that I'm not as absorbed into the story as I would want to be. The narrative seems to drag on a bit, you know? I do, however, love the characters and I am absolutely cheering for my girl Bella. Hope you keep it up!

5) The Badboy Got Out of Wattpad- @haadiiiyah (93)

Plot &Originality:10/10
Narrative &Voice:9/10
Character Development:10/10
Grammar &Spelling:20/20
Writing Style:9/10
Overall Impression:10/10
I love this, its such a nice wonderful twist to the typical cliche badboy story. I mean, just wonder how we writers would react if our characters suddenly showed up into our lives? Pure chaos, that's what (at least, for me that is). And I love where the story is going, its pretty darn brilliant! The only thing I would say is that you use a lot of complicated words that I dont think are necessary. I completely understand that English is your second language, and considering that, you did pretty well! But the words seem unnecessarily complicated when a simpler synonym would suffice. Then again, that's my opinion. Otherwise, you've done beautifully and I cant wait to see where the story is going next!

6) It All Started With Butterflies by Cyberspace_Girl (85)

Title &Cover:9/10
Plot &Originality:9/10
Narrative &Voice:9/10
Character Development:9/10
Grammar &Spelling:20/20
Writing Style:9/10
Overall Impression:8/10

I am loving the story so far! It has a lot of promise and I'm definitely eager to read more as soon as I can! The only thing I want to say is that, while you don't have any grammatical/spelling mistakes sticking out, the description could use some improvement. There's some odd phrasing that makes getting completely immersed into the story a little harder than it would've been. Alongside that, the blurb is a little on the nose, especially fora book that has mystery in it. However, its an issue that improves as you keep writing, so I encourage you to keep doing what you're doing! Really hope you keep it up!

7) Still Tight?- kek_lee_writes (93)

Title &Cover:10/10
Plot &Originality:10/10
Narrative &Voice:9/10
Character Development:10/10
Grammar &Spelling:20/20
Writing Style:10/10
Overall Impression:9/10
I love the idea of your story! Its creative and original and I am definitely going to be exploring it further after this. The only thing Ill say is that sometimes the narrative can be a bit hard to understand or a little odd, you could say? But its nothing too concerning and doesn't at all take away from the enjoyment of your story. I certainly hope you keep it up and definitely rooting for you!

Fast Forward to Us by JustinW11
Title/Cover: 7
Blurb: 8
Hook: 3.5
Plot/Originality: 8
Narrative/Voice: 7
Character Development: 7
Grammar/Spelling: 18
Writing style: 8
Overall impression: 7.5
Total: 74

This story is a fresh and entertaining spin on time travel/teen fiction fantasy. The main character has a distinct voice and the narration is sound. I suggest the author's name is made bolder on the cover and the chapter endings are strengthened to improve it. Well done.

Mr Hunchback's Theatre Show by samanthaelimcper

Title/cover: 6
Blurb: 6
Hook: 2
Plot: 6.5
Narrative/voice: 6
Character Development: 5
Grammar: 11
Writing style: 5
Overall impression: 6
Total: 53.5

This story has a dramatic vibe but would be much better if the author could subject it to editing for structural and grammatical errors. Additionally, the title is interesting, but the cover isn't relevant to the story and the blurb is too scanty. Best wishes and good luck as you polish your story.

When Worlds Crossed by conquestofthesomnium

Title/cover: 9
Blurb: 8
Hook: 3
Plot: 7
Narrative/Voice: 7.5
Character Development: 6.5
Grammar/Spelling: 14
Writing Style: 7
Overall impression: 7
Total: 69

The title and cover are catchy and the main character's are well rounded and realistic. However, the grammar, structure and pacing need a little editing to improve the story. Good luck

Compatible by mminecraftbees

Title/cover: 8
Blurb: 7
Hook: 3
Plot/Originality: 6
Narrative/Voice: 7
Character Development: 7
Grammar/Spelling: 15
Writing Style: 7.5
Overall impression:7
Total: 67.5

The cover, title and blurb (though brief) are on point which gives a good first impression. The main character's voice is painfully realistic, and her character development is a process that had me rooting for her as I read the story. Well done.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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