Chapter 10: Run

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Hazel was out for a run in the lunchtime heat, grimacing as she pounded the streets of Universal City. She hadn't exercised in ages and while her lungs were angry with her, her legs fell into a familiar rhythm that propelled her forward.

After getting the word that she'd advanced to the next round, Hazel had called Chris back, and when she didn't get an answer, she'd returned to her room with the intention of taking a nap. But the excitement of making it to the live shows had made that impossible. Hence the running. She'd been out for about twenty minutes when her cell phone dinged with a message from Zoey. She stopped and read it.

Where are you? Don't forget that we're going to Harry Potter World! Meet up in the lobby in an hour.

Harry Potter World? She had a faint memory of agreeing to it last night, but it wasn't how Hazel wanted to spend her afternoon off. She wanted to finish her run, have a shower and then, after she gave Amber the money she owed her, she planned to watch old seasons of the Sing Along on her phone.

Please? Zoey texted before Hazel could answer. It will be fun! We need to celebrate!

Hazel wiped the sweat from her brow. Zoey was right. Plus, when was the next time she was going to have VIP passes to Harry Potter World? And Zoey had made it through by some miracle. Hazel was glad she wasn't going home yet. They should celebrate with something fun.

She tapped back. Sure! and received a  in reply.

Change of plans... Hazel texted to Amber. Can you meet me at Harry Potter world? I have your money. I'll email you a ticket and meet you by the entrance.

They'd each been given two tickets by the production company so she might as well share the wealth. Amber needed a day at Harry Potter World way more than she did.

We're off to see the Wizard ... Amber wrote back. C u there.

Hazel ran back to the Hilton, then mulled over what she'd wear as she quickly showered. She decided on a pair of jean shorts and a pink and white checkered shirt. Paired with white tennies, it was a cute look. She slicked on some lip gloss and wound her hair into twin braids that flopped over each shoulder. She looked twenty, but that was the point. She stuck her tongue out at herself in the mirror and left.

Everyone was already gathered by the sliding exit doors by the time Hazel got there—Zoey, Benji, Bella, Cancer Girl Lacey, and Cole, the fourteen-year-old guitar wunderkind. He was with his mother, a larger-than-life woman wearing a T-shirt that said, "Cole's Mama."

Benji gave her a friendly wave as she pulled up to the group.

Zoey grabbed her hand. "Benji specifically asked for you," she squealed in a pathetic attempt at a whisper that Benji and the others clearly overheard. "I told Brooke all about it. She checked him out on TikTok and totally ships you two."

Hazel sank in her cowboy boots. She'd never should've told Zoey about the almost-kiss with Benji. Especially not now that she'd expressly told Bella she wasn't interested in him. And Oh, God, was that Nick walking past them, smirking like he'd overheard Zoey?

Hazel tried desperately to catch Nick's eye, but he just kept on walking.

"Um," she said, hopefully loud enough for him to hear, "there's nothing to—"

"Uh-hun," Zoey said with a wink. "Whatever you say, Hazel."

Hazel watched the back of Nick's head for the second time that day. She shouldn't care what he thought about her. Like Mr. Darcy, she was sure that he never thought about her except to find fault. But it bothered her just the same.

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