Chapter 36: Let the People Decide

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Twenty minutes later, Hazel was in one of the bungalows standing in front of the show's executive producers—Martin, Georgia, and two serious looking men in suits who Hazel had seen hanging around the live shows, but who she'd otherwise had zero contact with.

Nick was there too, and Keshawn, but it was Martin who was in charge.

"Well, Hazel Fine, what have you got to say for yourself?" Martin said.

He was lounging on a steel grey couch, his right leg crossed over the other. Georgia sat in a wing chair on the other side of the couch, the suited men between them. Nick hovered behind her.

Hazel wasn't sure what to say, but it couldn't hurt to start with a mea culpa. "I wanted to apologize for misleading you about my past."

"Is that all?"

"No, I think I should stay. If I get the votes, that is. I earned my place here. My performances weren't a lie. We should let the people decide."

"Let the people decide," Martin drawled. "What an interesting concept you Americans have. You think voting makes you democratic. But everything can be manipulated."

"I know that."

His eyes bored into Hazel's. "Do you, Hazel? Do you understand how much goes into casting this show, how we choose each of you carefully and craft your narrative, and that your 'performances' as you put it are only a small detail?"

Hazel bit back a sarcastic response. She wasn't a moron. She knew the show had its favorites, its shiny pennies that it put under the lights. She knew Nick had helped her and Kate too. But in the end, she was the one who'd had to deliver. If she didn't perform, then the audience would send her home. There had been upsets in the past, obvious first choices who hadn't been able to take the pressure and perform, and oddballs the public had fallen in love with who'd made it all the way to the end.

"I think I do, yes."

"So, then you shouldn't be so naïve as to think that this is simply about what the people want."

"I'm not. I was just trying to say that you should wait to see what the result of the vote is before deciding. That should factor into your decision."

Martin checked his manicure. "Ah, yes. Your little Twitter campaign."

"It isn't mine."

"No? I'm disappointed, Hazel. But then again you've let me down in many ways."

Hazel knew what he meant. She'd let him down because she hadn't slept with him. She couldn't believe he'd be so brazen as to say it in front of everyone. She couldn't be the only one who understood.

She caught Nick's eye and she knew she wasn't. He looked like he wanted to throttle Martin with his bare hands.

"Enough of that, Martin," Georgia said her voice steady and sober. "I agree with Hazel. We should let her stay. If the audience decides to keep her, then that's what they want. And we should give the people what they want."

Hazel turned to Georgia gratefully. She was clear eyed, her hair and makeup perfect. "Thank you, Georgia."

"Of course, darlin'. You know I've been rooting for you since the beginning."

"That means a lot to me."

"You have talent. And moxie. I like it."

"Yes, yes," Martin said. "Hazel has moxie. Hazel has talent. But should Hazel be on our show?"

"The audience thinks so," Nick said.

"Thank you, Nicholas, I am aware."

"I say she stays," Keshawn said. He'd been silent the entire meeting, standing in the background, his usual megawatt smile dimmed by the surroundings.

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