Chapter 11: Rollercoaster

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Four hours later, everyone's feet were aching. They'd had ice cream at Florean Fortescue, bought overpriced wands at Ollivanders (except for Hazel), drunk way too much butterbeer and ridden every ride at least three times (also except for Hazel, who was longtime scared of rollercoasters though she'd blamed a rumbly stomach).

Amber and Theo had left an hour ago, after Theo threw up his second butterbeer.

"Time to pack it in, kids," Bella said. She made a remarkably good camp counselor, weaving them through the crowds and assigning them to groups when they needed to. Hazel admired the way she took charge and how the others naturally listened to her. No one had ever listened to Hazel like that in her whole life.

It had been a good day, but Hazel was ready to leave. She was tired from the run, her hangover came and went in waves, and she'd caught a sun burn on the back of her thighs.

But then Benji was beside her, grasping her wrist. "C'mon. One more ride with me before we go." He pointed toward the rollercoaster Hazel had been avoiding all day.

"I don't like roller coasters."

"Flight of the Hippogriff is a baby coaster." He laced his fingers through hers. "It doesn't even go upside down."

That didn't matter to Hazel; she was terrified of the drop. Online stories of faulty safety belts and riders getting scalped had made her swear off scary rides. But Bella's eyes were roving between Benji and Hazel's hands in a way that made Hazel pull her hand away. And if she said no, everyone would know she was afraid.

She could do this. "Okay, let's go!"

"I'm coming too!" Bella said. "One last ride will be fun."

Benji's grin was easy. "The more the merrier. Right, Hazel?"

She wasn't sure what he was suggesting, but Hazel was fine with Bella joining them. "That's my motto!" she said, trying to signal to Bella that she truly didn't care if she wasn't alone with Benji.

For good measure, she stepped ahead of them as they walked to the ride. Once there, they moved to the front of the line by flashing their VIP passes. The ride operator indicated for Hazel and Benji to take the first row, but Benji held Hazel back.

"She's a little nervous. Please put us somewhere safe."

The operator rolled his eyes, then nodded them toward the middle.

Bella tugged on Benji's arm. "Sit here, Benj, with me."

"Okay, Hazel?"

"Of course. I'll be fine."

She turned and walked toward the empty seat in the middle of the train. As Hazel lifted her leg to climb into her the car, she lost her balance.

Someone grabbed her arm, steadying her. "Whoops-a-daisy!"

Hazel grimaced as she turned toward the man who was holding her. It was Nick.

"You okay?" he asked, his eyes glinting with amusement

"I'm fine." Hazel smoothed her hair back. "What are you doing here?"

"Riding the hippogriff." He indicated that she should get in and she did so more carefully this time. He sat down next to her.

"You say so." She pulled the safety harness down and closed her eyes to collect her thoughts. She was about to ride a roller coaster for the first time since she was a kid and she had to do it with Nick. She didn't care if Benji saw her fright, but she didn't want to show that kind of weakness to the Sing Along's musical director.

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