Chapter 15: Rumors

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Hazel was glad to have somewhere else to sleep while Zoey and Brooke celebrated their reunion, though it was weird waking up in Benji's room. But since Benji's roommate had been eliminated in the group rounds, it was a good solution.

Benji loaned her a T-shirt and a pair of shorts, and they slept in separate beds. Benji made it clear that he wanted something more, but she suggested that they'd talk about it in the morning once their heads were clear. He'd agreed, kissed her gently and had then gone right to sleep. Hazel followed soon after, the long, complicated day wearing her out enough to make her night dreamless.

She was up now, though, butterflies in her stomach. Benji was in a deep sleep, his arms flung out, star fishing in his bed. He didn't snore and looked adorable, but Hazel was still glad that she'd stopped things before they got too serious. Not that she was above a random hookup, but Benji was a friend. She didn't want to treat him like that. And in the cold light of day, she knew she'd clung to Benji like a life raft last night to escape the Titanic that was Martin. Benji seemed genuinely interested in her, or innocently, anyway, and she'd told enough lies since she entered the Sing Along. She didn't need to bring that kind of baggage into a relationship, no matter how brief.

Hazel checked the time. It was past eight. They were taping the results show later that morning, and Hazel needed to get ready. She got up as quietly as she could and gathered her things. She watched Benji for a moment and made her decision. Later today, she'd tell Benji that this wasn't going anywhere. Benji would understand. She doubted that he was serious about her anyway. Either way, this wasn't the place or the time to try to find out.

She gave him a last glance as she snuck through the room and slipped out.

"What. The. Fuck?"

Hazel turned around to see Bella's angry face. She hadn't put her makeup on yes, and her hair was loose around her shoulders. She looked younger and vulnerable without her usual armor.

"Uh, hi Bella."

"Benji's in there, I assume?"

It wasn't possible to deny it. "Yes."

"How could you?"

"We didn't ... It was nothing."

"Please." Bella crossed her arms over her chest. "You know what, Hazel? You pretend to be all friends with everybody, but you're bullshit. You don't care about anyone but yourself. I hope Zoey knows that."

"Zoey is my friend."

"Sure, right, whatever. You just take anything you want, regardless of who it belongs to."

"Benji doesn't belong to you."

"You said you weren't interested in him and you knew how I felt. But that didn't matter to you. Same goes for Martin. He and Sarah have a thing, but that didn't stop you from coming onto him to get ahead."

Hazel's anger rose at the mention of Martin. "And you're just a jealous bitch who wouldn't even be on this show if it wasn't for your brother."

She pushed past Bella and walked toward the elevator, fighting to get manage the feelings flooding through her.

Hazel hadn't felt this angry in a long time. She thought she'd gotten her anger under control. She'd had to. Nothing good happened when she acted emotionally. But here she was, letting Bella get under her skin.

"You're going to be sorry," Bella said.

Hazel glanced at Bella over her shoulder. Her shoulders were slumped in defeat. Hazel felt terrible. She knew what it was like to want something and not get it. She might be about to find that out again.

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