The Sequel

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Once upon a time, in a golden realm, lived two princes. One was the Sun, always getting praises for the smallest accomplishment. The other was always in his shadow, never getting any reward, or acclaim. Yet, the second prince craved for applause, and recognition, and most importantly, for love.

His father's love. His brother's love too, he supposed. The Aesir's love.

During feasts, and even in the streets of Asgard, you could hear wonderful stories about his brother's prowess, how he defeated this or that monster, how he would slaughter any Frost giant that would dare come his way. In those tales, Loki only played a minor part, only in the background, always a foil, a stooge, a sidekick to his glorious sibling.

Where was his glorious purpose? He knew he could shine just as bright as Thor, if given the chance. So, whenever the AllFather trusted him with a mission, he would accept, whatever it was. But while Thor's quests were in the light of day, his were in the deep of the night, hidden like the dirty little secrets they were. His father needed someone to do his dirty work: assassinate this or that enemy, steal this precious artefact, make his threat go away, one way or another, and so on...

At first, some of the missions were actually fun. Turn this or that person into a hen, seduce this pretty lady or that beautiful young man... But then, the murders? Once you start, they become easier and easier after a while. You don't feel anything anymore. The guilt just goes away, and you just do what you have to do. If it meant to lose his soul and blacken his heart to gain his father's love, what wouldn't he do?

However, having young maidens swoon and cheer at the tale of his adventures would have been quite charming and very pleasant. He would have smiled at them, and blown them a kiss, and they would have fainted in extasy, as they did for Thor.

This was when something happened.

Something wonderful.

Something unexpected.

Something quite incredible.

People started looking at him in the streets with a smile on their face. At first, Loki thought the smile was for this brother, and therefore, he nearly rolled his eyes, but he realized Thor was not with him when that happened, on more than one occasion.

Maidens blushed and giggled at the sight of him. Men looked at him respectfully, some with lust in their gaze.

Now that was very pleasant indeed!

What was a lot less pleasant was being dragged but those damned Einherjar into the throne room, as if he had done something wicked. Well, maybe he had? He did not remember.

"You wanted to talk to me, Father?", Loki asked with a smile.

Odin fixed on him his one eye, full of fury and despise, and threw a little green book at his feet. Loki raised his eyebrows and looked at it quizzically. On its cover, there was a helmet looking just like his.

The Dark Prince's tales

Oh Norns! Was it what he thought it was?

Loki could not stop the smile on his face. Someone had written a book about him? How delightful! He needed to find the writer and kiss them right away. Unless of course, they had written slander about him. Then, death. A very slow, painful death.

"Have you written this abomination? Answer me, boy!", Odin's voice boomed in his Hall, making even its walls shiver with fear.

Loki took a step back, still looking at the book with wonder. He was getting more and more curious about it now. What had this writer said about him to gain his Father's rage? He could not wait to read it, he decided, quite excited by the thought.

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