Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

    [This is only more than 30 million]

    Gu Mingyu frantically looked for the photos of Yan Shu and the white-haired old man on the search interface, but they were all gone.

    Do you have ten minutes?

    It seemed like ten minutes had passed, and the entire network was like being reset, and the photos of Yan Shu and the white-haired old man were no longer visible.

    There are still some bad reviews, but they can't make any waves.

    The main reason is that Yan Shu is a scumbag. In fact, many people don't know her very well, and they may think that she is just a little actor being taken care of.

    And there are a lot of things like this in the entertainment industry.

    So the real passers-by saw that the enthusiasm was suppressed, the photos were deleted, and the discussion was no longer continued.

    Only a few fans of him and Mu Xiyuan are still scolding Yan Shu.

    Damn it!

    This immortal has some wrists!

    It can even delete photos from the whole network!

    Gu Mingyu called the agent to ask if he could make a fuss about it again, and the agent Zhu Ping said: "Mingyu, don't make up your mind about this photo. The top Weibo executives told me vaguely that the hot search is very powerful. Big."

    "How big is big? Can't our Gu family be able to compare to him?" Gu Mingyu was a little unconvinced.

    He Gu Shao wanted to make a person, but he even hit a nail.

    Although he didn't think about what kind of Yan Shu really wanted to do, after all, he was his ex-fiancee, but it was not an old man's turn to stop him, okay!

    Forgive Yan Shu, and let him do it too!

    He also has to wait for Yan Shu to apologize to his woman in person!

    "Mingyu, don't be impulsive, there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the people, don't really offend the more powerful people, but it will damage your career." Zhu Ping calmed down.

    Gu Mingyu irritably kicked the coffee table in front of him, "I know, damn it, I must find out who the old man is!"

    After the phone call, Gu Mingyu quickly used his friends to ask who the old man in the photo was.

    Of course, no one knew at all.

    At the same time, Mu Xiyuan's side is also not easy, her heartthrob value is 109 less!

    This is not yesterday's 21, it's 109!

    She tried her best to make Yan Shu suffer from the whole network online violence, and only added 5 points, but in a corner she didn't know, Yan Shu didn't know what to do, which directly caused her Fascinating Value to decrease by 109!

    When Mu Xiyuan thought of this comparison, her heart felt like she was gouged out, and the pain was dripping with blood.

    She lay uncomfortably on the sofa, her eyes blank, until the WeChat alert sound came from her mobile phone.

    A celebrity in the circle came to inquire about Yan Shu's support. Mu Xiyuan was angry. Seeing the other party's problem, she naturally wanted to smear Yan Shu to death.

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