Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 · ?

    [End of text]

    Gu Mingyu's incident was filmed and posted on the Internet, causing a lot of trouble. Although the video was quickly suppressed, I still saw everything that should be watched.

    Some people say that Gu Mingyu is sick, some people say that his nature is exposed, but no matter what, the image of a wretched man cannot be washed away.

    Fans have lost their fans one after another, and endorsements have also been terminated one after another.

    Gu Mingyu faces huge endorsement compensation.

    As for this point, Mu Xiyuan broke up with Gu Mingyu in a blog post, saying that she saw him clearly, and was very sad that she would fall in love with such a man. In order not to let herself continue to make mistakes, she decided to officially break up with Gu Mingyu!

    I thought I was abandoning the soldier and protecting the handsome, but I didn't want the filter to fall off the ground.

    [Mu Xiyuan is disgusting to me, is this the catastrophe that was sung in the playbook? 】

    【Tell yourself time and time again, sister, you have difficulties, but now you let us Mariko fans down again and again, I really see through you! Today I started to remove the powder,]

    [The filter is broken, I can no longer deceive myself, the person you set up before is all fake, now you are the one who runs away when you encounter something. Goodbye Mu Xi Yuan, I will never love you again! 】

    Gu Mingyu lay in the hospital for three days only to find out that he [was] broken up!

    Her mother didn't tell him that she was afraid of affecting his health. He didn't know until his manager reported his current career situation to him after he was discharged from the hospital.

    Looking at the Weibo posted by Mu Xiyuan, he was stunned for a long time.

    Zhu Ping knew that he would definitely be hit, and patted him on the shoulder to comfort him: "Mingyu, you have only been discharged from the hospital, don't think too much."

    "How could I not want to think too much about this kind of thing?" Gu Mingyu's eyes were bloodshot and his body was full of blood. Trembling, he coughed a few times and stood up, "I'm going to find her."

    "What are you looking for for such a woman!" Zhu Ping frowned, "You don't want to try to save it, do you? I tell you it's useless. , instead of going to her, think about how to save your career!"

    "Career is not important anymore, I have to find her! I have something to ask her!"

    "Mingyu!" Zhu Ping grabbed his shoulder and wanted to stop him.

    Gu Mingyu roared angrily: "Zhu Ping! This is my business!"

    Zhu Ping was startled, then shook his head weakly, "Whatever you want, anyway, I know your family has money and can afford it."

    Mu Xiyuan recently She kept herself locked at home and never went out.

    When she received Gu Mingyu's call, she immediately hung up as if she saw a ghost.

    She was guilty, she dared not take it.

    But Gu Mingyu called her again, she hung up again, he called again.

    After going back and forth more than ten times, the phone finally stopped ringing. Mu Xiyuan breathed a sigh of relief and hoped that Gu Mingyu would stop bothering her.

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