Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

    [Slaps Mu Xiyuan in

    the face] When he got home, Yan Shu was already drunk and unconscious, so Lu Zhi could only carry her princess upstairs and asked the female nanny at home to help her take a bath.

    He went to the bathroom at the gym to wash up.

    At this time, the system reports the progress of the day: [Ding, HP +98, more than 208/10000]

    Lu Zhi: [Didn't break 100 million? ]

    520 System: [Host, your requirements are too high, Yan Shu's spending level is definitely first-class, and she can spend too much. At her speed, I am afraid that you will be able to continue your life in three or four months. 】

    Lu Zhi: 【I hope. 】

    He doesn't like stepping on the dots to complete one thing, especially if it's about his own life.

    At the same time, the 857 system is also reporting to Mu Xiyuan the value of 10,000 people: [The system detects abnormality, the value of 10,000 people is -98, and the remaining 9776/10000]

    Mu Xiyuan can now listen to the system's depreciation progress with a blank face. Yes, but to accept it, it is impossible.

    She sat by the bed and sent a message to her mother with cold eyes, asking her to find a way to support her stepfather to come to her room.

    About ten minutes later, Yan Zonghui, at the behest of his wife, came to Mu Xiyuan with a plate of fruit.

    He knocked on the door of the eldest daughter's bedroom, but heard no response, he raised his voice: "Xiyuan, I brought you some fruit, do you want to eat it?" There

    was still no response.

    Yan Zonghui was surprised. Seeing that Mu Xiyuan's door was open, he called out tentatively, and then pushed open the door: "I'll put the fruit on the coffee table? You can eat it yourself later."

    After entering, Yan Zonghui said Only when he realized that Mu Xiyuan was not in the bedroom, he wondered, did he go to find her brother?

    Thinking so, Yan Zonghui also walked to the coffee table and bent down to put down the fruit.

    Just as he was about to get up and go out, he suddenly saw a lot of photos scattered on the coffee table. He glanced inadvertently and found that the woman in the photo was Yan Shu, and there was an old man with white hair next to him!

    Mu Xiyuan just came back from outside at this time, and saw her stepfather in the bedroom, she pretended to be surprised, "Dad? Why are you here?" The

    next moment, she found that he was holding the photo in his hand and ran over in a hurry, trying to grab it in a panic. Come over, "Dad, don't look at this, it's all fake."

    Yan Zonghui avoided her movements, raised the photo in his hand, and asked angrily, "What's going on? What is the relationship between Yan Shu and this old man? "

    Mu Xiyuan looked frightened, her body trembled, and she stopped talking.

    Yan Zonghui shouted sternly: "Tell me honestly, what's going on!"

    Mu Xiyuan's eyes were red, "Dad, don't force me... Yan Yan's business, I can't say."

    "What's wrong, You are her sister, I am her father, and the two of us can't tell her?" Yan Zonghui threw the photo in his hand on the coffee table angrily, "Tell me quickly, how much do you know about Yan Shu and this old man!"

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